chrome AWoTKXrpOv(ESX/QB) Advanced Police Job
chrome wi0MVfj50LKQ OutfitBag

Premium MultiJob

Original price was: 36.85 €.Current price is: 18.87 €.

49% Off

Originally created for my personal FiveM server; *wasabi_multijob* is a solution to the issue revolving around players being restricted to one job alone. What started out as a simple multi-job menu has now evolved into a full boss menu/default boss menu replacement.


  • Fully optimized
  • Adds all jobs to menu when player is awarded job they have not been awarded prior
  • Allows players to easily go on/off duty
  • Allows players to easily switch between a series of jobs
  • Boss menus that you can place anywhere, for any job, in the config with ease
  • Boss menus can be used to change rank/fire employees regardless if they are online or offline
  • Boss menu reads from wasabi_multijob SQL table rather than job column of users table (This ensures all employees are listed regardless of if they are clocked in & that the job is removed from list when fired)
  • Replace stock ESX boss menus
  • Ability to give bonuses to employees banks via boss menu even if employee is offline.
  • User’s active job will switch to the default off duty/unemployed job if they delete said job while on duty
  • Ability to blacklist jobs from being added to job menu (i.e. prisoner) *New!
  • Tasteful icons *New!
  • Automatically adds addon_account data and addon_account_data tables if needed (For easily adding boss menus without having to add data to SQL manually) *New!
  • Frequent updates and additions planned
  • Full support provided
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  • 100% No Leaks

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Config = {}

Config.JobMenuCommand = 'jobs' -- Command you want for opening job menu(/jobs default)
Config.JobMenuKey = 'F5' -- Configure to whichever desired key. Set to false if undesired

Config.MaxJobs = 4 -- Maximum jobs a player can have in their menu(Set to false to disable limit)

Config.OffDutyJob = {-- Job it switches you to while off duty.
    name = 'unemployed',
    grade = 0

Config.blacklist = { -- Jobs you don't want awarded to menu when given to player(I.e prisoner)
['JOB_HERE'] = true, ['prisoner'] = true, } Config.BossMenus = { -- Configurable boss menus(Good for adding boss menus for any job that has a 'boss' grade) enabled = true, -- Easily disable completely by switching to false marker = { -- Marker configuration type = 27, color = {r = 50, g = 50, b = 204}, drawDistance = 10 }, locations = { -- Add/edit boss menu locations for defined jobs(Jobs must have a 'boss' grade to access menu) -- { coords = vector3(XX.XX, XX.XX, XX.XX), job = 'JOB_NAME_HERE' }, -- EXAMPLE {coords = vector3(-576.1141, -936.6058, 28.69531-0.9), job = "police", label = "POLICE"}, {coords = vector3(334.95, -594.01, 43.28-0.9), job = "ambulance", label = "EMS"}, } } Strings = { -- All strings for language change purposes -- Notifications ['hired_header'] = 'You\'ve been Hired!', ['hired_content'] = 'A job has been awarded in your job menu.', ['alr_clocked'] = 'Already Clocked In', ['alr_clocked_desc'] = 'You are already clocked in to this job.', ['clocked_out'] = 'Clocked Out', ['clocked_out_desc'] = 'You have successfully clocked out.', ['deleted'] = 'Deleted', ['deleted_desc'] = 'Job successfully deleted.', ['no_perm'] = 'No Permision', ['no_perm_desc'] = 'You are not authorized to access this!', ['invalid_amount'] = 'Invalid Amount', ['invalid_amount_desc'] = 'Please input a valid amount!', ['deposit_successful'] = 'Deposit Successful', ['deposit_successful_desc'] = 'You have successfully deposited $%s in to the business account', ['lacking_funds'] = 'Lacking Funds', ['lacking_funds_desc'] = 'You don\'t have enough cash for this transaction', ['withdrawal_funds'] = 'Withdrawal Funds', ['withdrawal_successful'] = 'Withdrawal Successful', ['withdrawal_successful_desc'] = 'You have successfully withdrawaled $%s from the business account', ['success'] = 'Success', ['success_desc'] = 'Action Successful!', ['invalid_id'] = 'Invalid ID', ['invalid_id_desc'] = 'Player not found with ID entered', ['hire_success'] = 'Hire Successful', ['hire_success_desc'] = 'You have successfully hired %s', ['bonus_success_desc'] = 'You successfully send %s a $%s bonus', ['bonus_title'] = 'Bonus Received!', ['bonus_msg'] = 'You were granted a $%s employment bonus from %s.', ['no_money'] = 'Insufficient Funds', ['no_money_desc'] = 'There are not enough funds for this action', ['delete_confirm'] = 'Caution!', ['delete_confirm_desc'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this job?', ['fire_confirm_desc'] = 'Are you sure you wish to fire this employee?', ['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled', ['cancelled_desc'] = 'You cancelled your previous action', ['fired'] = 'Employee Terminated', ['fired_desc'] = 'You successfully fired the employee', --Main Menu ['offduty_header'] = 'Off Duty', ['clockedin_job'] = 'Current Job:', ['grade_label'] = 'Position:', ['no_jobs'] = 'No Saved Jobs!', ['nojob_desc'] = 'Try applying at local businesses', ['jobs_menu'] = 'Jobs Menu', ['go_back'] = '< Go Back', -- Job Clock In / Out / Delete Menu ['clock_in'] = 'Clock In', ['clock_out'] = 'Clock Out', ['delete_job'] = 'Delete Job', -- Boss Menu ['employee_list'] = 'Employee List', ['employee_count'] = 'You currently have %s employees', ['society_funds'] = 'Manage Funds', ['society_funds_desc'] = 'Total Funds:', ['currency'] = '$', ['deposit_funds'] = 'Deposit Funds', ['withdrawal_funds'] = 'Withdrawal Funds', ['amount'] = 'Amount:', ['job_position'] = 'Position:', ['job_salary'] = 'Salary:', ['edit_rank'] = 'Promote/Demote', ['edit_rank_desc'] = 'Position: %s | Salary: $%s', ['fire_employee'] = 'Terminate Employment', ['employee_list'] = 'Employees', ['current_position'] = '(Current)', ['hire_employee'] = 'Hire Employee', ['hire_employee_desc'] = 'Hire someone by ID', ['player_id'] = 'Player\'s ID:', ['give_bonus'] = 'Give Bonus', ['give_bonus_desc'] = 'Send an employee a bonus', ['open_boss_menu_3d'] = '[~b~E~w~] Access Boss Menu' }