
Real Handcuffs

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $36.99.

Electronic Cuff

Tracking the criminal with GPS

Shock the Criminal

You can’t handcuff the criminal without surrendering

Special handcuffs for police and criminals

Special Prop Designs

Tying the character’s feet

Putting a sack on the character’s head

Tape the character’s mouth and put money in his mouth.

Move the character

Getting the character into the car


Config file

Config = {}

Config.CuffItem = ‘cuff’
Config.CuffKeysItem = ‘cuff_keys’
Config.RopeItem = ‘rope’
Config.BagToHeadItem = ‘headbag’
Config.ElectronicCuffItem = ‘electrocuff’
Config.ElectronicCuffTrackerItem = ‘electrocufftracker’

Config.OpenMenuKey = 167 –f6
Config.InventoryOpenKey = 289 — Disables this input when user is cuffed
Config.DisableWhenUserCuffed = {289, 37, 192, 204, 211, 349} — Disables these input when user is cuffed

Config.HandcuffIMG = ‘’
Config.HandcuffDefaultIMG = ‘’
Config.HandcuffSound = ‘’

Config.RealtimeGPS = true — WARNING: Enabling this option will enable realtime gps isntead of just marking gps location on tablet but it may cause a lot of cps/ram usage on both client and server side.
Config.RealtimeGPSRefreshMS = 1000 — WARNING: This option directly affect cpu/ram usage, so be carefull when changing it! It controls how fast the gps will refresh itself

Config.TestMode = false

Config.GetClosestPlayer = function()
return ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()

Config.Lang = {
[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][“no_one_nearby”] = “Det finns ingen i närheten”,
[“no_one_nearby_cuff”] = “Det finns ingen i närheten som kan lägga handbojor”,
[“no_one_nearby_cuff2”] = “han mÃ¥ste räcka upp händerna”,
[“menu_title”] = “Ã…tgärdsmeny”,
[“put_bag”] = “Ta bort pÃ¥sen pÃ¥ huvudet”,
[“arac_bin”] = “Sätt in spelaren i bilen”,
[“arac_in”] = “FÃ¥ ut spelaren i bilen”,
[“bacak_coz”] = “Lös upp repet pÃ¥ benet”,
[“bant_cikar”] = “Ta pÃ¥/av tejpen i munnen”,
[“tasi”] = “Flytta spelare”,
[“birak”] = “Släpp spelare”,
[“tape_type”] = “Välj bandtyp”,
[“bant”] = “Svart tejp”,
[“money”] = “Kontanter”,

Config.MenuElements = {

{ value = “arac_bin”, label = Config.Lang[“arac_bin”] },
{ value = “arac_in”, label = Config.Lang[“arac_in”] },
{ value = “bacak_coz”, label = Config.Lang[“bacak_coz”] },
{ value = “bant_cikar”, label = Config.Lang[“bant_cikar”] },
{ value = “tasi”, label = Config.Lang[“tasi”] },
{ value = “birak”, label = Config.Lang[“birak”] }

2 reviews for Real Handcuffs

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