
Flashbang script

(6 customer reviews)

Original price was: 19.75 €.Current price is: 6.28 €.

Script has seperate config file where you can set up things like:

  • Weapon label
  • Time to explosion
  • Enabling / disabling voice chat while being fully flashed (works with mumble-voip and pma-voice)
  • Effect duration
  • Sound effect volume
  • Range in which grenade works

Optimisation: 0.1 ms idle, 0.05ms max while working

Use this flashbang for your police roleplay!


for all the people with the QBCORE- this is how you make it work.

add this to qbcore/shared/weapons.lua

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][weapon_flashbang] = {[โ€˜nameโ€™] = โ€˜weapon_flashbangโ€™, [โ€˜labelโ€™] = โ€˜flashbangโ€™, [โ€˜ammotypeโ€™] = nil, [โ€˜damagereasonโ€™] = โ€˜Bombed / Exploded / Detonated / Blew upโ€™},

add this to qbcore/shared/items.lua

[โ€˜weapon_grenadeโ€™] = {[โ€˜nameโ€™] = โ€˜weapon_grenadeโ€™, [โ€˜labelโ€™] = โ€˜Grenadeโ€™, [โ€˜weightโ€™] = 1000, [โ€˜typeโ€™] = โ€˜weaponโ€™, [โ€˜ammotypeโ€™] = nil, [โ€˜imageโ€™] = โ€˜images/weapon_grenade.pngโ€™, [โ€˜uniqueโ€™] = true, [โ€˜useableโ€™] = false, [โ€˜descriptionโ€™] = โ€˜A handheld throwable bombโ€™},

add this to qb-weapons/client/main.lua inside of lines 180-181
elseif QBCore.Shared.Weapons[weapon][“name”] == “weapon_flashbang” then
TriggerServerEvent(‘QBCore:Server:RemoveItem’, “weapon_flashbang”, 1)
replace line 449 inside of qb-inventory/client/main.lua with this
elseif weaponName == “weapon_stickybomb” or weaponName == “weapon_pipebomb” or weaponName == “weapon_smokegrenade” or weaponName == “weapon_flare” or weaponName == “weapon_proxmine” or weaponName == “weapon_ball” or weaponName == “weapon_molotov” or weaponName == “weapon_grenade” or weaponName == “weapon_flashbang” or weaponName == “weapon_bzgas” then


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