
BB Multichar (QB)

(4 customer reviews)

Original price was: 61.33 €.Current price is: 18.93 €.


- UI:
Modern & Sleek UI, A UI that will make people on your server fall in love.

Default support for QB-clothing, RAID & FiveM-Appearance with the options to add/edit as you like.

Allow players to have more characters with a discord role.
For example, the player can open by default 2 characters but he will be able to open more if he has a discord role (that you can set on the config)(ofc all the numbers can be changed).

Players will have to write their exact Character Name in order to delete their character, prevent players crying after deleting their character by mistake :slight_smile:




  1. Drag & drop to your server, stop qb-multicharacter or whatever multicharacter you’re using.
  2. Edit the server config as you like to fit your server.
  3. Enjoy.


CoreConfig = {
    core = 'qb-core', -- your core name for the exports
    prefix = 'qb-', -- your trigger prefixes
    notify = 'QBCore:Notify', -- your notification trigger
    char_english_only = true, -- block to option to create character with non english names

    clothing_base = 'qb', -- Whether "qb", "raid", "fivem-appearance" or "other"
    clothing_name = 'qb-clothing' -- Your clothing resource name


Default support for 2 clothing stores: qb-clothing & raid-clothing.

  • If youre using qb-clothing make sure to set it to “qb” even if your core name is different.
  • If youre using raid-clothing, make sure to add the following function to your client.
    [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][1] Paste the following code to the bottom of your “raid-clothing/client/client.lua”: function SetPedMetadata(ped, data) for i = 1, #drawable_names do if data.drawables[0] == nil then if drawable_names[i] == "undershirts" and data.drawables[tostring(i-1)][2] == -1 then SetPedComponentVariation(ped, i-1, 15, 0, 2) else SetPedComponentVariation(ped, i-1, data.drawables[tostring(i-1)][2], data.drawtextures[i][2], 2) end else if drawable_names[i] == "undershirts" and data.drawables[i-1][2] == -1 then SetPedComponentVariation(ped, i-1, 15, 0, 2) else SetPedComponentVariation(ped, i-1, data.drawables[i-1][2], data.drawtextures[i][2], 2) end end end for i = 1, #prop_names do local propZ = (data.drawables[0] == nil and data.props[tostring(i-1)][2] or data.props[i-1][2]) ClearPedProp(ped, i-1) SetPedPropIndex(ped, i-1, propZ, data.proptextures[i][2], true) end Wait(100) if data.headBlend then SetPedHairColor(ped, tonumber(data.hairColor[1]), tonumber(data.hairColor[2])) SetPedHeadBlend(data.headBlend) SetPedHeadBlendData(ped, tonumber(data.headBlend['shapeFirst']), tonumber(data.headBlend['shapeSecond']), tonumber(data.headBlend['shapeThird']), tonumber(data.headBlend['skinFirst']), tonumber(data.headBlend['skinSecond']), tonumber(data.headBlend['skinThird']), tonumber(data.headBlend['shapeMix']), tonumber(data.headBlend['skinMix']), tonumber(data.headBlend['thirdMix']), false) for i = 1, #face_features do SetPedFaceFeature(ped, i-1, data.headStructure[i]) end if json.encode(data) ~= "[]" then for i = 1, #head_overlays do SetPedHeadOverlay(ped, i-1, tonumber(data.headOverlay[i].overlayValue), tonumber(data.headOverlay[i].overlayOpacity)) end SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 0, 0, tonumber(data.headOverlay[1].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[1].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 1, 1, tonumber(data.headOverlay[2].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[2].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 2, 1, tonumber(data.headOverlay[3].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[3].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 3, 0, tonumber(data.headOverlay[4].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[4].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 4, 2, tonumber(data.headOverlay[5].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[5].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 5, 2, tonumber(data.headOverlay[6].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[6].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 6, 0, tonumber(data.headOverlay[7].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[7].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 7, 0, tonumber(data.headOverlay[8].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[8].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 8, 2, tonumber(data.headOverlay[9].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[9].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 9, 0, tonumber(data.headOverlay[10].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[10].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 10, 1, tonumber(data.headOverlay[11].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[11].secondColour)) SetPedHeadOverlayColor(ped, 11, 0, tonumber(data.headOverlay[12].firstColour), tonumber(data.headOverlay[12].secondColour)) end endend [2] Paste the following code to the bottom of youre fxmanifest/__resource.lua in the raid clothing resource:
    export ‘SetPedMetadata’
  • If youre using any other clothing store, set it to “@other” and make sure to edit all the functions related to the clothing,
    server/functions.lua -> edit the getOtherClothing function.
    client/main.lua -> search for @other and change all of the functions in there



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