
Médicaments de base (qbCore)

(1 avis client)

Le prix initial était : $65.99.Le prix actuel est : $36.99.

Offre spéciale

Créer des drogues à effets, Cultiver des plantes à drogues, Tables de traitement


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Compatible with qbCORE


Grow drug plants later process them and consume or sell. Everything in one place with clean UI and well-made animations and effects. You can create drugs, drug plants and add up to 14 effects to one drug. Effects range from visual to beneficial ones.



  • Growing plants
  • Creating drugs yourself
  • Processing tables
  • Growth speed zones
  • Sell drugs to NPC
  • Consume animations
  • Different plant types
  • Modern UI


  • ESX


The code is not obfuscated and nicely presented ! If you don’t like to tinker with code the config allows you to change almost everything!


If the script doesn’t work properly or you don’t know how to set it up properly i will happily assist you (maybe even add some cool suggested features)


Config = {

OnlyZones = false, — Allow drug growth only in defined zones
GlobalGrowthRate = 10, — In how many seconds it takes to update the plant (At 100% rate plant will grow 1% every update)
DefaultRate = 10, — Plants planted outside zone default growth rate percentage
WeightSystem = true, — Using ESX Weight System

Zones = {

Coords = vector3(1854.1574707031,4907.66015625,44.745887756348),
Radius = 100.0,
GrowthRate = 30.0,
Display = true,
DisplayBlip = 469, — Select blip from (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
DisplayColor = 2, — Select blip color from (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
DisplayText = ‘Weed Zone’,
Exclusive = {‘weed_lemonhaze_seed’} — Types of drugs that will be affected in this are.


PlantWater = {
[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][‘water’] = 10 — Item and percent it adds to overall plant water

PlantFood = {
[‘fertilizer’] = 15 — Item and percent it adds to overall plant food

Plants = { — Create seeds for drugs

[‘weed_lemonhaze_seed’] = {
Label = ‘Lemon Haze’, —
Type = ‘weed’, — Type of drug
Image = ‘weed.png’, — Image of plant
PlantType = ‘plant1’, — Choose plant types from (plant1, plant2, small_plant) also you can change plants yourself in main/client.lua line: 2
Color = ‘122, 232, 19’, — Main color of the plant rgb
Produce = ‘weed_lemonhaze’, — Item the plant is going to produce when harvested
Amount = 3, — The max amount you can harvest from the plant
SeedChance = 50, — Percent of getting back the seed
Time = 3000 — Time it takes to harvest in miliseconds
[‘coca_seed’] = {
Label = ‘Coca Plant’, —
Type = ‘cocaine’, — Type of drug
Image = ‘coca.png’, — Image of plant
PlantType = ‘plant2’, — Choose plant types from (plant1, plant2, small_plant) also you can change plants yourself in main/client.lua line: 2
Color = ‘255, 255, 255’, — Main color of the plant rgb
Produce = ‘coca’, — Item the plant is going to produce when harvested
Amount = 3, — The max amount you can harvest from the plant
SeedChance = 50, — Percent of getting back the seed
Time = 3000 — Time it takes to harvest in miliseconds


ProcessingTables = { — Create processing table

[‘cocaine_processing_table’] = {

Label = ‘Cocaine’,
Model = ‘bkr_prop_coke_table01a’, — Exanples: bkr_prop_weed_table_01a, bkr_prop_meth_table01a, bkr_prop_coke_table01a
Color = ‘255, 255, 255’, — Color in RGB
Item = ‘cocaine’, — Processed item
Time = 10, — Time in seconds to process 1 item
Ingrediants = {
[‘coca’] = 3,
[‘fuel’] = 1



Drugs = { — Create you own drugs

[‘weed_lemonhaze’] = {

Label = ‘Lemon Haze’,
Animation = ‘blunt’, — Animations: blunt, sniff, pill
Time = 30, — Time is added on top of 30 seconds
Effects = { — Effects: runningSpeedIncrease, infinateStamina, moreStrength, healthRegen, foodRegen, drunkWalk, psycoWalk, outOfBody, cameraShake, fogEffect, confusionEffect, whiteoutEffect, intenseEffect, focusEffect

[‘cocaine’] = {

Label = ‘Cocaine’,
Animation = ‘sniff’, — Animations: blunt, sniff, pill
Time = 60, — Time is added on top of 30 seconds
Effects = { — Effects: runningSpeedIncrease, infinateStamina, moreStrength, healthRegen, foodRegen, drunkWalk, psycoWalk, outOfBody, cameraShake, fogEffect, confusionEffect, whiteoutEffect, intenseEffect, focusEffect



Dealers = {

Ped = ‘g_m_importexport_01’,
Coords = vector3(167.51689147949,6631.5473632813,30.527015686035),
Heading = 200.0,
Prices = {
[‘weed_lemonhaze’] = 10 — Item name and price for 1



Text = {
[‘planted’] = ‘Seed was planted!’,
[‘feed’] = ‘Plant was fed!’,
[‘water’] = ‘Plant was watered!’,
[‘destroy’] = ‘Plant was destroyed!’,
[‘harvest’] = ‘You harvested the plant!’,
[‘cant_plant’] = ‘You cant plant here!’,
[‘processing_table_holo’] = ‘~r~E~w~ Processing Table’,
[‘cant_hold’] = ‘You dont have space for this item!’,
[‘missing_ingrediants’] = ‘You dont have these ingrediants’,
[‘dealer_holo’] = ‘~g~E~w~ Sell drugs’,
[‘sold_dealer’] = ‘You sold drugs to dealer! +$’,
[‘no_drugs’] = ‘You dont have enough drugs’


— Only change if you know what are you doing!
function SendTextMessage(msg)


–exports[‘mythic_notify’]:DoHudText(‘error’, msg)




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Médicaments de baseMédicaments de base (qbCore)
Le prix initial était : $65.99.Le prix actuel est : $36.99.
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