
RepoJob avancé

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Le prix initial était : $31.99.Le prix actuel est : $23.99.

Offre spéciale


Compatibilité totale QBCore et ESX. (prend en charge les noms qb-core personnalisés et tous les noms de dépendances de fichiers personnalisés qb)

L'ultime repo Job Script offre une expérience passionnante et immersive pour FiveM serveurs. Avec plus de 250 lieux de ramassage, plus de 40 voitures préconfigurées, une progression personnalisable et des objets rares, des tables d'artisanat personnalisées et un fichier de configuration complet, il est facile d'adapter le travail de repo aux besoins de votre serveur. Ce script supporte également plusieurs langues et s'intègre parfaitement à d'autres systèmes tout en fonctionnant avec une impressionnante résonance de 0,0 ms.

Config : https://i.imgur.com/ExmzFZI.png
Lisez-moi : https://i.imgur.com/MFK7892.png

Ce script entièrement configurable comprend :
● Fonctionnalité avancée de plateau à plat avec capacités rétractables.
● Fonctionnalité de remorquage avancée avec capacités immersives.
● Méthodes avancées pour s'assurer que les véhicules ne font JAMAIS caca contrairement à d'autres scripts liés aux véhicules.
● Plus de 250 emplacements de prise en charge de véhicules différents déjà configurés et tous modifiables.
● Plus de 40 préconfigurés voitures à ramasser.
● Possibilité de mettre en fourrière et d'envoyer les véhicules d'autres joueurs à la fourrière.
● Un travail approfondi qui offre une expérience immersive d'être un repo man.
● Une chance que les propriétaires de voitures en colère puissent sortir et défendre leur véhicule avec des armes de mêlée.
● 3 emplacements préconfigurés où déposer le véhicule mis en pension.
● Débloquez la progression pour obtenir les éléments configurés par vous.
● Commande /getrepo et commande /reporply pour demander et répondre aux pilotes de dépôt.
● Tables de fabrication personnalisées qui nécessitent une progression et se débloquent pour fabriquer des objets.
● config.lua très complet pour aider à modifier facilement le script avec très peu d'effort.
● Système de langue configurable personnalisé pour prendre en charge plusieurs langues.
● Prise en charge d'autres noms de cœur, d'autres systèmes cibles et de tout changement de nom de ressource.
● Fonctionne à 0,0 ms de rémon.

Les exigences/dépendances comprennent :
QBCore OU ESX (d'autres frameworks fonctionneront mais ne seront pas pris en charge)
qb-menu OU ox_lib (ps-ui ou tout nom de ressource qb-menu modifié fonctionnera)
qb-target OU ox_target (tout nom de ressource qb-inventory modifié fonctionnera)

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  • Garantie de remboursement sans risque !
  • Assistance incluse
  • Mises à jour futures

# Pug RepoJob.

# If you are a QBCore framework the script is basically drag and drop with a few small changes to the config and running the sql.
# Esx will as well be mostly drag and drop with config changes.

# Installation (ALL FRAMEWORKS)
Add the item pngs found in pug-repojob/itemPNGS to your inventory.
Make sure you have the dependencies installed. (qb-menu OR ox_lib, qb-target OR ox_target, qb-inventory OR ox_inventory)
Thouroughly read the config and adjust to you liking. (VERY IMPORTANT)
Adjust the RepoJobNotify() function in client/main.lua to fit your server (defualt is already setup for base qb-core and esx).
Adjust the RepoJobEmail() function in client/main.lua to fit your server (defualt is already setup for base qb-core and esx).
Adjust the DrawTextRepoJob() and HideDrawTextRepoJob() functions in client/main.lua to fit your server (defualt is already setup for base qb-core and esx).

# (QBCORE-ONLY) – Install this in to your qb-core/server/player.lua below “PlayerData.metadata[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][‘attachmentcraftingrep’] = PlayerData.metadata[‘attachmentcraftingrep’] or 0″
# Example here: https://i.imgur.com/sofeQnY.png
PlayerData.metadata[‘reporep’] = PlayerData.metadata[‘reporep’] or 0

If you want to use a different item name make sure to change the useableitem name in the server.lua
# (QBCORE-ONLY) – Install this in to your qb-core/shared/items.lua
[‘towremote’] = {[‘name’] = ‘towremote’, [‘label’] = ‘Tow Remote’, [‘weight’] = 1000, [‘type’] = ‘item’, [‘image’] = ‘towremote.png’, [‘unique’] = false, [‘useable’] = true, [‘shouldClose’] = true, [‘combinable’] = nil, [“created”] = nil, [“decay”] = 30.0, [‘description’] = ‘[useable] | [G] when in tow truck to lower and raise bed, [E] to pick the hook up and put the hook down’},
[“reponote”] = {[“name”] = “reponote”, [“label”] = “Repo Note”, [“weight”] = 500, [“type”] = “item”, [“image”] = “reponote.png”, [“unique”] = false, [“useable”] = true, [“shouldClose”] = false, [“combinable”] = nil, [“created”] = nil, [“decay”] = 9.0, [“description”] = “[useable] | [G] when in tow truck to lower and raise bed, [E] to pick the hook up and put the hook down”},

# (ESX-ONLY) – Run the pug_towjob.sql before doing anything else.

# (ESX-ONLY) – Install this in to your ox_inventory/data/items.lua
[‘towremote’] = {
label = ‘Tow Remote’,
weight = 100,
[‘reponote’] = {
label = ‘Tow Note’,
weight = 100,

Install the sound files in the pug-repojob/InteractSoundFiles into [standalone]/interact-sound/client/html/sounds if you want the 4 sound effects along with the script
(This may require a server restart to work)

# Quick commands and things to know
/tptow to go to the repo job ped (admin only)
/getrepo command and /reporply command to request and reply to repo drivers
Pressing [G] when in the driver seat of a flatbed3 whill lower or raise the flatbed
To grab the towhook you need to have the flatbed down, go to the top of the flatbed and press [E]
To put a hook onto a vehicle you just press [E] while close to a vehicle and have the tow hook in your hand
To pickup a hook that is on a car or on the ground you just press [E]

(credits to I’m Not MentaL, Yoha, SxY & TheF3nt0n for the original free model here: https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/mtl-flatbed-tow-truck)

# PUG-REPOJOB: For any questions please contact me here: https://discord.com/invite/jYZuWYjfvq



​Full QBCore & ESX Compatibility. (supports custom qb-core names and all qb custom file dependency names)

This Ultimate Repo Job Script offers a thrilling and immersive experience for FiveM servers. With advanced flatbed and towing functionality, in-depth job missions, and a chance for angry car owners to come out and defend their vehicles, players will be hooked. with over 250 pickup locations, 40+ pre-configured cars, customizable progression and rare item drops, custom crafting tables, and an extensive config file, making it easy to tailor the repo job to your server’s needs. This script also supports multiple languages and integrates seamlessly with other systems while running at an impressive 0.0 ms resmon.

Config: https://i.imgur.com/ExmzFZI.png
Readme: https://i.imgur.com/MFK7892.png

This completely configurable script consist of:
● Full development support and custom script adjustment request support.
● Advanced flatbed functionality with retractable capabilities.
● Advanced towing functionality with immersive capabilities.
● Advanced methods of making sure the vehicles NEVER poof unlike other vehicle related scripts.
● 250+ different vehicle pickup locations already configured and all changeable.
● 40+ pre configured cars to to pickup.
● In-depth job that offeres an immersive experience of being a repo man.
● A chance angry car owners can come out and defend there vehicle with mele weapons.
● 3 pre configured locations to drop the repoed vehicle off to.
● Unlock progression to obtain items configured by you.
● /getrepo command and /reporply command to request and reply to repo drivers.
● Custom Crafting tables that require progression and unlocks to craft things.
● Very extensive config.lua to help easily change the script with very little effort.
● Custom configurable lang system to support multiple languages.
● Support for other core names, other target systems and any resource name changes.
● Runs at 0.0 ms resmon.

Requirements/Dependencies consist of:
QBCore OR ESX (other frameworks will work but not supported)
qb-menu OR ox_lib (ps-ui or any qb-menu resource name changed will work)
qb-target OR ox_target (any qb-inventory resource name changed will work)[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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RepoJob avancé
Le prix initial était : $31.99.Le prix actuel est : $23.99.
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