
Pacote Agrícola


O preço original era: $50.00.O preço atual é: $25.00.

Oferta especial

Farming Osp é um script novo, altamente avançado e interativo para o seu servidor! Fornecendo aos seus jogadores uma maneira nova e divertida de farmar em FiveM!

IU da loja: Isso Script FiveM apresenta uma interface de usuário atraente onde os jogadores podem comprar uma variedade de propriedades fornecidas pelo script.

Sistema de nivelamento: Também inclui um sistema de nivelamento totalmente integrado. Os jogadores ganham XP de agricultura para cada ação realizada na agricultura trabalho. O XP acumulado pode então ser usado para comprar propriedades adicionais na agricultura loja.

Atividades agrícolas:

  • Appletree & Orangetree Farms: Colha frutas de várias árvores e armazene-as em uma caixa de frutas.

  • Granja de frangos: Pegue as galinhas pulando em cima delas!

  • Granja de porcos: Abata os porcos da maneira que preferir.

  • Fazenda de vacas: Ordenhe suas vacas para obter o leite perfeito ou abata-as para obter carne, que pode ser vendida usando o caminhão de venda.

  • Floresta de cogumelos: Colete cogumelos grandes na base do Monte Chilliad.

  • Campo de trigo: Use um trator equipado com vários acessórios, como um ancinho e uma enfardadeira de feno, para colher o trigo. Carregue os fardos de feno em um caminhão grande para transporte.

  • Campo de plantação: Cultive uma variedade de plantas, como repolho, abóbora ou tomate (configurável para adicionar mais). Veja como elas crescem e se transformam em colheitas magníficas. O progresso de suas plantas pode ser monitorado por meio de uma bela interface de usuário. Regue e fertilize-as com animações e efeitos visualmente atraentes.


  • Sistema de sprinklers: Depois de plantar um número significativo de sementes, regá-las individualmente pode se tornar entediante. O sistema de aspersão automatiza essa tarefa. Basta encher um tanque de água e conectá-lo ao sistema de aspersão para regar todas as plantas simultaneamente. Essa atualização requer tempo e dinheiro mínimos.

  • Espanador de colheita: As plantas precisam de fertilização regular, mas fertilizar manualmente cada uma delas pode ser cansativo. A atualização do espanador de plantações permite que você voe sobre os campos, liberando fertilizante para nutrir as plantações com eficiência.

Venda de caminhões e comerciantes: A maioria dos produtos é carregada automaticamente no caminhão de venda, como carcaças de porcos ou vacas. Use o caminhão de venda para transportar mercadorias para um dos dois tipos de comerciante. Esses comerciantes estão disponíveis somente em horários específicos (configuráveis) para imitar o horário de trabalho do mundo real.


  • ESX
  • PolyZone
  • boi_alvo
  • Barra de progresso

Observação: esse script é totalmente código aberto

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  • Garantia de devolução do dinheiro sem risco!
  • Suporte incluído
  • Atualizações futuras

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Config File

Config = {}
Config.Webhook = '' -- Webhook for the logs

Config.UseWhitelistJob = false

Config.Cooldown = 0 -- cooldown in hours

Config.LaptopCoords = vector4(2445.2, 4972.3, 46.8106, 232.5884)
Config.LaptopSprite = 521
-- Sell Truck
Config.SellTruckModel = 'benson'
Config.TakeOutSellTruckPedModel = 'cs_old_man2'
Config.TakeOutSellTruckCoords = vector4(2525.8901, 4976.6587, 43.9368, 106.1617)
Config.DeleteSellTruckCoords = vector4(2527.9167, 4970.8804, 44.5171, 278.7255)
Config.DeleteSelltruckKey = 47
Config.SellTruckSprite = 800
Config.GiveItemOnPickup = false

Config.SellTruckSpawn = vector4(2527.9167, 4970.8804, 44.5171, 277.7255)

Config.UseOxTarget = false

-- Propoffsets (Don't touch, if you don't know what you're doing)
Config.ChickenBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.3)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.6)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.9)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 1.2)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 1.5)},

Config.CowBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.3)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.6)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.9)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 1.2)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -0.4, 0.1)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -0.4, 0.4)},

Config.MilkBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(-1.0, -0.8, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -0.8, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.4, -0.8, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-1.0, -1.2, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -1.2, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.4, -1.2, 0.25)},

Config.PigBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.3, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.3, 0.55)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.3, 1.1)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.85, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.85, 0.55)},

Config.AppleBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.05)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.21)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.37)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.48)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.59)},

Config.OrangeBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.05)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.21)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.37)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.48)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.59)},

-- Selling
Config.MinTime = 5 -- Expressed in the hour of day (7 = 7am, 13 = 1pm)
Config.MaxTime = 17 -- Expressed in the hour of day (7 = 7am, 13 = 1pm)

Config.MerchantBlipColor = 2

-- Config.FruitMerchantCoords = vector4(2512.8772, 4952.7339, 43.6853, 100.0988)
Config.FruitMerchantCoords = vector4(1789.4849, 4592.0732, 36.6830, 190.5569)
Config.SellPedSprite = 52
Config.SellPedModel = 'cs_old_man2'

-- Config.MeatMerchantCoords = vector4(2512.8772, 4952.7339, 43.6853, 100.0988)
Config.MeatMerchantCoords = vector4(963.6677, -2107.1184, 30.4633, 100.2187)
Config.MeatSellPedSprite = 52
Config.MeatSellPedModel = 'csb_chef'

Config.ChickenSellPrice = 25
Config.CowSellPrice = 35
Config.PigSellPrice = 20
Config.MilkSellPrice = 15
Config.AppleSellPrice = 25
Config.OrangeSellPrice = 30

SellPlantPrice = {
    {item = 'tomato', price = 85},
    {item = 'cabbage', price = 75},
    {item = 'pumpkin', price = 70},
    {item = 'mushroom', price = 30},
    {item = 'wheat', price = 45},

Config.PlotRegenTime = 200 -- in minutes (this is the timer until the apples, oranges etc resets and you can interact with them again)

-- Fruit picking
Config.FruitBoxSprite = 478
Config.FruitsPerTree = 3

Config.OrangeTreeBlipCoord = vector3(2100.7073, 4855.8428, 41.2024)
Config.OrangeTreeBlipCoordSprite = 270
Config.FruitBoxDropKey = 52

Config.OrangeTree = {
    {coords = vector3(2083.5461, 4852.2129, 41.9267)},
    {coords = vector3(2097.9065, 4841.5806, 41.6721)},
    {coords = vector3(2118.0273, 4841.6055, 41.5652)},
    {coords = vector3(2122.2754, 4861.0273, 41.1088)},
    {coords = vector3(2145.9148, 4867.1484, 40.6898)},
    {coords = vector3(2123.4907, 4883.8271, 40.8859)},
    {coords = vector3(2102.2217, 4878.2090, 41.0646)},
    {coords = vector3(2060.6858, 4843.0156, 41.8497)},
    {coords = vector3(2064.1694, 4820.0112, 41.8303)},
    {coords = vector3(2086.6577, 4825.4263, 41.5900)},
    {coords = vector3(2316.3662, 5023.0181, 43.2977)},
    {coords = vector3(2329.8904, 5036.9355, 44.4203)},
    {coords = vector3(2341.3801, 5035.2676, 44.3373)},
    {coords = vector3(2330.5054, 5022.3564, 42.9704)},
    {coords = vector3(2316.8284, 5009.4658, 42.5537)},
    {coords = vector3(2304.7952, 4997.6152, 42.3384)},
    {coords = vector3(2330.7666, 5007.2842, 42.3450)},
    {coords = vector3(2343.1177, 5022.4561, 43.4962)},
    {coords = vector3(2356.6716, 5020.6250, 43.8605)},
    {coords = vector3(2344.8286, 5008.3691, 42.7652)},
    {coords = vector3(2331.9026, 4997.0117, 42.1458)},
    {coords = vector3(2317.9473, 4984.9653, 41.8093)},
    {coords = vector3(2335.8994, 4975.6362, 42.6122)},
    {coords = vector3(2349.0010, 4989.3730, 43.0395)},
    {coords = vector3(2360.5403, 5001.8145, 43.3952)},
    {coords = vector3(2369.8223, 5010.6938, 44.3452)},
    {coords = vector3(2376.0703, 5016.2876, 45.3667)},
    {coords = vector3(2378.0593, 5003.8711, 44.6562)},
    {coords = vector3(2362.0183, 4989.4292, 43.3561)},
    {coords = vector3(2349.4980, 4976.3252, 42.7850)},
    {coords = vector3(2362.0217, 4976.7930, 43.2530)},
    {coords = vector3(2373.6772, 4989.0000, 43.9875)},
    {coords = vector3(2389.1765, 5004.7515, 45.7094)},
    {coords = vector3(2390.3081, 4992.8550, 45.2204)}

Config.AppleTreeBlipCoord = vector3(2365.1353, 4734.7568, 33.5333)
Config.AppleTreeBlipCoordSprite = 76

Config.AppleTree = {
    {coords = vector3(2328.0435, 4771.2559, 36.0605)},
    {coords = vector3(2325.2114, 4761.5234, 36.0554)},
    {coords = vector3(2324.2571, 4747.7178, 36.0586)},
    {coords = vector3(2338.9819, 4741.4814, 35.1231)},
    {coords = vector3(2083.5461, 4852.2129, 41.9267)},
    {coords = vector3(2343.6653, 4755.1772, 34.7957)},
    {coords = vector3(2339.2083, 4766.7378, 35.1749)},
    {coords = vector3(2350.0676, 4734.3735, 34.8110)},
    {coords = vector3(2353.1648, 4760.4438, 34.3735)},
    {coords = vector3(2358.7092, 4724.0088, 34.5733)},
    {coords = vector3(2364.4055, 4729.5811, 34.2037)},
    {coords = vector3(2374.6145, 4734.6138, 33.7256)},
    {coords = vector3(2386.6438, 4736.6543, 33.2757)},
    {coords = vector3(2386.5947, 4724.8667, 33.6240)},
    {coords = vector3(2383.1599, 4713.6377, 33.6455)},
    {coords = vector3(2381.7883, 4701.1211, 33.9402)},
    {coords = vector3(2390.3542, 4691.4136, 33.8917)},
    {coords = vector3(2404.0225, 4703.7271, 33.3969)},
    {coords = vector3(2412.4866, 4707.0977, 33.0048)},
    {coords = vector3(2402.1277, 4688.5698, 33.6740)},
    {coords = vector3(2406.4783, 4676.9487, 33.9680)},
    {coords = vector3(2421.8218, 4686.9009, 33.6977)},
    {coords = vector3(2419.3696, 4673.7778, 33.8820)},
    {coords = vector3(2433.8579, 4678.5244, 33.3889)},
    {coords = vector3(2423.8062, 4659.2612, 33.4877)},
    {coords = vector3(2443.0730, 4671.9673, 33.3347)}

Config.BoxPickup = {
        coords = vector3(2130.1726, 4827.4360, 41.45),
        heading = 0.0
        coords = vector3(2349.7798, 4743.2808, 34.7076),
        heading = 0.0

-- Mushroom forest

Config.BasketPickup = {
        coords = vector3(2438.7488, 4982.8179, 46.67),
        heading = 0.0
Config.MushroomBasketSprite = 52

Config.MushroomSpot = vector3(1154.5820, 4584.5474, 74.6388)
Config.MushroomBlipSprite = 78
Config.MushroomItem = 'mushroom'
Config.MushromBasketDropKey = 52

-- Wheat farming
Config.WheatBlipSprite = 682
Config.WheatPed = vector4(2497.1975, 4974.1118, 43.4117, 240.1355)
Config.TractorModel = 'tractor2'
Config.TractorSpawn = vector4(2507.8076, 4956.2383, 44.6616, 324.1257)
Config.DeleteTractorCoords = vector3(2507.8076, 4956.2383, 44.6616)
Config.QueueResetTimer = 5000 -- Time in seconds before the queue automatically resets

Config.TruckModel = 'hauler'
Config.TruckSpawn = vector4(2399.5388, 4976.7075, 45.3523, 136.8794)

Config.TrailerModel = 'trflat'
Config.TrailerSpawn = vector4(2408.5701, 4986.2300, 46.1876, 134.1131)
Config.DeleteTruckAndTrailer = vector3(2408.5701, 4986.2300, 46.1876)
Config.DeleteVehicleKey = 47

Config.WheatDestoryedUntilHayCreated = 4
Config.WheatDestoryedUntilPileCreated = 2

Config.Plower = vector4(2489.2312, 4811.6992, 34.9102, 200.0)

Config.DetatchPlowerKey = 52

Config.BailerMachine = vector4(2474.8169, 4820.8535, 34.0, 261.0441)
Config.DetatchBailerKey = 52

Config.ReturnTruckPosition = vector3(2409.1018, 4985.4966, 46.1542)
Config.GiveItemOrMoney = false -- true to giveitem and false to give money
Config.PaymentPerHaybale = 75
Config.GiveHaybaleItem = 'wheat'

Config.BlipsSprite = 285
Config.WheatFarming = {
        coords = vector3(2582.1318, 4799.1855, 33.6477),
        width = 30,
        height = 52,
        jump = 3,
        model = 'prop_veg_crop_05',

---------------- Planting System

Config.OutOfFocusKey = 52  -- Q by default
Config.ClosePlantUIKey = 177 -- ESC/BACKSPACE by default
Config.GrowthUpdate = 360 -- Time it takes to update plant, in seconds
Config.PlantFallbackRate = 10 -- The multiplier(%) the plants will get if the plants are not well taken care of
Config.DecayTime = 48 -- in hours (the time before the plants will disapear)
Config.PlantationBlipSprite = 140
Config.PlantationBlipColor = 2

Config.Zones = {
		Coords = vector3(1954.7167, 4796.1392, 43.5442),
		Plant = {'pumpkin_seed', 'cabbage_seed'}, -- Types of plants that will be affected in this zone
        Distance = 30.0, -- The area of effect
        Multiplier = 100, -- The growthrate inside the zone
		Coords = vector3(1918.5490, 4766.2651, 42.8743),
		Plant = {'tomato_seed'}, -- Types of plants that will be affected in this zone
        Distance = 30.0, -- The area of effect
        Multiplier =  50, -- The growthrate inside the zone

Config.Plants = { -- Create seeds for drugs
    [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"]['cabbage_seed'] = {
        Title = 'Cabbage', -- Main name header of the ui
        Image = 'cabbage.png', -- Image of the plant
        Color = '125, 224, 18', -- In RBG sequence
        PlantStages = {
            first = {"prop_veg_crop_03_cab", -1.2},
            second = {"prop_veg_crop_03_cab", -1.13},
            third = {"prop_veg_crop_03_cab", -1.08}
        Product = 'cabbage', -- Item the plant is going to give
        SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting the seed
    ['tomato_seed'] = {
        Title = 'Tomato', -- Main name header of the ui
        Image = 'tomato.png', -- Image of the plant
        Color = '255, 0, 0', -- In RBG sequence
        PlantStages = {
            first = {"prop_veg_crop_04_leaf", -1.25},
            second = {"prop_veg_crop_02", -1.3},
            third = {"prop_veg_crop_01", -1.65}
        Product = 'tomato', -- Item the plant is going to give
        SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting the seed
    ['pumpkin_seed'] = {
        Title = 'Pumpkin', -- Main name header of the ui
        Image = 'pumpkin.png', -- Image of the plant
        Color = '216, 182, 31', -- In RBG sequences
        PlantStages = {
            first = {"prop_veg_crop_03_pump", -1.2},
            second = {"prop_veg_crop_03_pump", -1.13},
            third = {"prop_veg_crop_03_pump", -1.08}
        Product = 'pumpkin', -- Item the plant is going to give
        SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting the seed

Config.PlantWater = {
        name = 'water_bottle', -- Item 
        procent = 10 -- The procentage gain when used

Config.PlantFood = {
        name = 'fertilizer', -- Item 
        procent = 15 -- The procentage gain when used

-------------- Duster plane

Config.DusterPed = vector4(2137.8948, 4797.0806, 40.1307, 19.9516)
Config.BlipsSpritePlane = 423
Config.DusterPlaneSpawn = vector4(2130.0530, 4808.4312, 41.5390, 114.8225)
Config.PlaneModel = 'duster'

Config.SmokeParticle = 'veh_exhaust_tug' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing
Config.SmokeParticleCollection = 'core' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing

Config.FertilizerKey = 38 -- The button held to fertilize with a duster plane
Config.DusterFertilizerPercent = 2 -- The procent added the plants when flying over with a duster, each second. 

--------------------- Sprinkler System

Config.SprinklerMissionCost = 200
Config.SprinklerMissionPedCoords = vector4(1862.9457, 4756.8711, 38.0596, 285.7766)

Config.SprinklerParticle = 'ent_amb_sprinkler_golf' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing
Config.SprinklerParticleCollection = 'core' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing

Config.SprinklerWaterPercent = 4 -- Percent of water added to the crops every 5 seconds

Config.SprinklerKey = 38 -- Key to turn on/off sprinklers
Config.SprinklerTap = vector3(1869.80, 4764.4, 40.8)
Config.WaterAmount = 1.5  -- Time it takes to remove one percent from a water tank, in seconds. (recommended to keep this low)

Config.SprinklerZones = {
        coords = vector3(1958.2434, 4796.5186, 43.4137),
        radius = 100.0,

Config.Sprinkler = {
    {coords = vector4(1957.6975, 4793.0957, 43.4871, 0.3127)},
    {coords = vector4(1951.1198, 4799.4526, 43.7209, 305.6415)},
    {coords = vector4(1943.9862, 4792.6484, 43.8769, 342.4697)},
    {coords = vector4(1958.8672, 4807.2622, 43.7312, 273.0265)},
    {coords = vector4(1975.7673, 4797.0278, 42.8512, 98.2398)},
    {coords = vector4(1963.9642, 4812.1055, 43.6583, 108.7462)},
    {coords = vector4(1947.7684, 4783.2031, 43.4333, 117.3367)},
    {coords = vector4(1941.7429, 4804.2227, 44.0410, 352.6821)},
    {coords = vector4(1952.1340, 4814.2104, 43.9739, 280.9480)},
    {coords = vector4(1954.9241, 4776.8193, 43.0019, 122.6492)},

    {coords = vector4(1921.0459, 4786.7329, 43.6341, 295.1524)},
    {coords = vector4(1914.1855, 4780.5313, 43.5516, 263.9591)},
    {coords = vector4(1907.1383, 4774.6187, 43.3814, 258.2081)},
    {coords = vector4(1900.6503, 4769.0356, 43.1415, 285.9190)},
    {coords = vector4(1954.9241, 4776.8193, 43.0019, 280.6492)},

    {coords = vector4(1926.4965, 4780.7241, 43.2958, 110.6730)},
    {coords = vector4(1919.7334, 4774.6265, 43.2409, 146.0393)},
    {coords = vector4(1912.9592, 4768.6636, 43.1607, 124.6868)},

-- Cow Farming
Config.BucketPosition = vector3(2529.2451, 4985.0039, 43.8177)
Config.BucketSprite = 106

Config.CowBlipCoord = vector3(2180.0042, 4969.1138, 41.3350)
Config.CowBlipCoordSprite = 237
Config.CowSpawns = {
    {coords = vector4(2180.0042, 4969.1138, 41.3350, 81.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2171.4648, 4966.6680, 41.3585, 100.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2168.7805, 4956.0381, 41.3921, 200.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2179.3315, 4954.8296, 41.3976, 270.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2170.5266, 4979.5410, 41.3392, 140.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2176.7180, 4985.7119, 41.3186, 41.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2181.1411, 4974.3359, 41.3617, 298.9)},
    {coords = vector4(2176.8765, 4974.6162, 41.4029, 112.0)},
Config.CowWander = false

-- Pig Farming

Config.PigBlipCoord = vector3(2373.5452, 5054.3926, 46.4446)
Config.PigBlipCoordSprite = 237

Config.PigSpawns = {
    {coords = vector4(2377.4158, 5049.6787, 46.4446, 319.5156)},
    {coords = vector4(2377.2473, 5055.5977, 46.4447, 27.4158)},
    {coords = vector4(2373.0847, 5052.7290, 46.4446, 147.9144)},
    {coords = vector4(2377.8630, 5049.2437, 46.4446, 262.5440)},
    {coords = vector4(2380.8552, 5057.8828, 46.4446, 28.3530)},
    {coords = vector4(2382.0322, 5054.3013, 46.4446, 214.6392)},
    {coords = vector4(2382.4585, 5048.7676, 46.4311, 229.4013)},
    {coords = vector4(2378.7344, 5045.9956, 46.4405, 120.3328)},
Config.PigWander = true

Config.ChickenBlipCoord = vector3(2300.8569, 4943.7490, 41.4126)
Config.ChickenBlipCoordSprite = 237
Config.ChickenKeyCooldown = 3000 -- in ms

Config.ChickenSpawns = {
    {coords = vector4(2299.7083, 4942.1216, 41.4239, 198.8404)},
    {coords = vector4(2304.2993, 4942.6157, 41.3787, 263.2820)},
    {coords = vector4(2301.9905, 4940.2432, 41.4175, 110.8972)},
    {coords = vector4(2303.8037, 4942.1626, 41.3690, 308.2788)},
    {coords = vector4(2308.4141, 4936.0845, 41.4150, 62.3557)},
    {coords = vector4(2307.6973, 4934.3286, 41.4150, 175.2880)},
    {coords = vector4(2308.5029, 4934.2661, 41.4150, 303.8631)},
    {coords = vector4(2310.0225, 4933.4600, 41.4115, 226.1542)},

-- Player Order System

Config.FruitStandPos = vector4(2567.4797, 5085.0010, 43.5, 200.6681)
Config.FruitStandProp = 'prop_fruitstand_b'

-- XP System
Config.XPMultiplier = 50.0 -- The amount of xp gained when doing tasks

Config.IterateTime = 100 -- This should never be below 90 and not recommended to be above 200.
Config.ServerWaitTime = 100 -- In miliseconds (time it takes to open the ui, recommended to keep this above 60 depending on how many resources your server has.)

-------- Shop ui

Config.Shop = {
        description = 'Grapeseed Orangetree Farm',
        info = 'A newly grown orangetree farm just beside Grapeseed Airport',
        price = 900,
        type = 'orangetree',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024485625568710706/unknown.png',
        level = 0.0
        description = 'Grapeseed Appletree Farm',
        info = 'A newly grown appletree farm just beside Grapeseed Airport',
        price = 990,
        type = 'appletree',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024447970168549406/unknown.png',
        level = 1.0
        description = 'Chicken Pen',
        info = 'A classic, small chicken pen to keep your chickens',
        price = 1500,
        type = 'chicken',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024732500557303828/unknown.png',
        level = 1.0
        description = 'Cow Field',
        info = 'A large and comfortable cow farm, a place to get some milk and beef!',
        price = 2500,
        type = 'cow',    -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024732100345208892/unknown.png',
        level = 1.5
        description = 'Pig Pen',
        info = 'A dirty enclosure just beside the farmhouse in Grapeseed. Go slay some pigs och get some bacon!',
        price = 2500,
        type = 'pig',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024732749648642128/unknown.png',
        level = 1.5
        description = 'Mushroom Forest',
        info = 'A really good mushroom spot in the northern forests of Los Santos',
        price = 3500,
        type = 'mushroom',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1045879581296558140/image.png',
        level = 2.0
        description = 'Wheat Field',
        info = 'A dense wheat field in Grapeseed',
        price = 8000,
        type = 'wheat',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1045901889004388454/image.png',
        level = 2.0
        description = 'Plantation Field',
        info = 'A really lucrative and efficient plantation field for multiple kinds of vegetables',
        price = 8000,
        type = 'plantation',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024733000753229834/unknown.png',
        level = 2.5
        description = 'Duster Plane Upgrade',
        info = 'A highly efficient and precise way to fertilize your valuable crops',
        price = 9000,
        type = 'duster',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024735883804561438/unknown.png',
        level = 3.5
        description = 'Sprinkler Upgrade',
        info = 'A highly efficient way to water your crops',
        price = 9000,
        type = 'sprinkler',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024733326549987378/unknown.png',
        level = 4.0

Strings = { -- Translation
    ["SellTruckTip"] = "You can now make your way to the various merchants marked with blips on the map",
    ["SellTruckTip2"] = "If you cannot see the blips you are most likely working on non work hours.",
    ["SellTruckTip3"] = "Grab the products from within the truck to interact with the merchants.",
    ["AfterFruitPickupTip"] = "You can now make your way to the selltruck if you wish to sell your goods at their current state, or you could keep on farming.",
	["CannotSell"] = "You cannot sell this item at this merchant!",
	["Waypoint"] = "Follow your waypoint",
    ["ReturnTrailer"] = "When you feel like you are done, you can return the truck and trailer at the designated blip",
    ["ReturnTractor"] = "When you feel like you are done, you can return the tractor at the designated waypoint",
    ["ChickenTip"] = "The chicken pen can be seen on your map, try to catch them. You can later sell them at the selltruck",
    ["PigTip"] = "The pigs are now marked on your minimap. Kill them and collect their bodies. You can later sell them using the selltruck",
    ["MushroomTip"] = "The mushroom basket is now marked on the map. Use the basket to collect mushrooms in the mushrooms forest marked on your map!",
	["NotEnoughMoney"] = "You do not have enough money to start this mission",
	["Refilling"] = "Refilling sprinkler system",
    ["Refilling2"] = '%s percent Refilled',
    ["EmptyWatercrate"] = "The watercrate is empty, you can now turn on the sprinkler system",
    ["RefillingCrate"] = "Refilling water crate",
    ["ReturnBack"] = 'Return back to the sprinkler system',
    ["GetStuff"] = 'You need to get your hands on some seed, fertilizer and water to be able',
    ["PlantStuff"] = "To be able to plant anything on the plantation fields",
    ["UiToolTip"] = "Use eye-target to interact with your plants! Then press Q to enable mouse on the UI",
    ["GetXp"] = "You gained %s XP",
    ["DeleteVehicle"] = "[G] Delete Vehicle",
    ["CowAdded"] = "The cow body has been added to the truck",
    ["PigAdded"] = "The pig body has been added to the truck",
    ["MilkAdded"] = "The milk have been added to the truck",
    ["MushroomTip"] = "Now you can go to the mushroom forest and pick your mushrooms! When you are done you can press Q to drop your basket.",
    ["TreeTip"] = "Now you can go up and interact with the fruit trees! When you are finished picking your fruit, press Q to drop the box and pickup it contents",
    ["ApplesAdded"] = "The apples have been added to the truck!",
    ["OrangesAdded"] = "The oranges have been added to the truck!",
    ["TractorTip"] = "Hop into the tractor and make your way down to the wheat fields",
    ["TractorTip2"] = "Attach the plower to the tractor first, you can then detach the plower by pressing Q",
    ["TractorTip3"] = "Attach the bailer by pressing E, when the tractor is near it.",
    ["CannotFitHay"] = "You cannot fit more haybales on the truck",
    ["CannotPlant"] = "You cannot plant here",
    ["NotProperZone"] = "You are not in the proper plantation zone",
    ["NotAuthorized"] = "You are not authorized to plant!",
    ["NoFertilizer"] = 'You do not have any fertilizer',
    ["NoWater"] = 'You have no water!',
    ["PlantNotReady"] = 'The plant is not ready to be harvested',
    ["NoWaterLeft"] = 'There is no water left',
    ["Sold"] = 'You sold %s %s',
    ["HaySold"] = 'You have sold %s haybayles',
    ["FruitMerchant"] = 'Fruit Merchant',
    ["DeleteBlip"] = 'Truck return location',
	["MeatMerarchant"] = 'Meat Merchant',
    ["OrangeTree"] = 'Orangetree Farm',
    ["PickOranges"] = '[E] Pick Oranges',
    ["AppleTree"] = 'Appletree Farm',
    ["PickApples"] = '[E] Pick Apples',
    ["CowFarm"] = 'Cow Farm',
    ["ChickenPen"] = 'Chicken Pen',
    ["PigFarm"] = 'Pig Farm',
    ["MushroomForest"] = 'Mushroom Forest',
    ["MushroomBasket"] = 'Mushroom Basket',
    ["PickBasket"] = '[E] Pickup Basket',
    ["PlantationField"] = 'Plantation Field',
    ["DusterPlane"] = 'Duster Plane',
    ["SpawnDusterPlane"] = 'Spawn Duster Plane',
    ["StartMission"] = 'Start Mission',
    ["FruitBox"] = 'FruitBox',
    ["PickBox"] = '[E] Pickup Box',
    ["DeleteSelltruck"] = '[G] Delete Selltruck',
    ["Selltruck"] = 'Selltruck',
    ["SpawnSelltruck"] = 'Spawn Sell Truck',
    ["MilkCow"] = 'Milk Cow',
    ["WheatStart"] = 'Start Working',
    ["PickMushroom"] = '[E] Pick Mushroom',
    ["PickupBody"] = 'Pickup Body',
    ["Catch"] = '[E] To Catch',
    ["FarmingField"] = 'Farming Field',
    ["Milking"] = 'Milking Cow',
    ["HayTrailer"] = 'Haybale Trailer',
    ["PickingMushroom"] = 'Picking Mushroom',
    ["MushroomPicked"] = 'You picked an mushroom',
    ["PickingOrange"] = 'Picking Orange',
    ["OrangePicked"] = 'You picked an orange',
    ["NoOrangesLeft"] = 'There are no more oranges left',
    ["PickingApple"] = 'Picking Apple',
    ["ApplePicked"] = 'You picked an apple',
    ["NoApplesLeft"] = 'There are no more apples left',
    ["NoOrangesApples"] = 'There are no oranges or apples in the box',
    ["PickupHay"] = 'Pickup Haybale',
    ["SellHay"] = '[E] Sell Haybales',
    ["AreaNotClear"] = 'The spawn area it not clear!',
    ["NotWhitelist"] = 'You are not working as the required job',
    ["Shop"] = 'Open Farming Shop',
    ["SomeoneElseUseing"] = 'Someone else is currently wheat harvesting, wait for your turn!',
    ["StandBlip"] = 'Farming Order Stand',
    ["SomeoneElseUseing"] = 'Someone else is currently wheat harvesting, wait for your turn!',
    ["PlaceOrder"] = 'Place an Order', 
    ["Cooldown"] = 'Farming cooldown Active, timeleft: %s hours',   
    ["PlantUI"] = 'Check plant status',   
    ["Laptop"] = 'Farming Laptop',  
    ["PressTrailer"] = '[E] load up haybale',
    ["WheatBlip"] = 'Start Wheat Farming',
    ["DontOwnPlant"] = 'You are not the owner of this plant!',
    ["TurnOnSprinkler"] = '[E] Turn on Sprinkler',
    ["TurnOffSprinkler"] = '[E] Turn off Sprinkler',
    ["WaterLeft"] = 'Water left: ~r~',
    ["WaterLeft2"] = '~s~/100%',
    ["MeatMerchant"] = 'Meat Merchant',
    ["Sell"] = 'Sell',
    ["PickupChicken"] = 'Pickup Chickenmeat',
    ["PickupCow"] = 'Pickup Cowmeat',
    ["PickupMilk"] = 'Pickup Milk',
    ["PickupPig"] = 'Pickup Pigmeat',
    ["PickupApple"] = 'Pickup Applebox',
    ["PickupOrange"] = 'Pickup Orangebox',


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