Config file
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- DUSADEV.TEBEX.IO ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config = {} --- @param -- Check for documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- FRAMEWORK ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.Framework = "esx" -- esx / oldesx Config.CustomFramework = true function CustomFrameworkExport() -- Add the export here, as in the following example. ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() end Config.PlayerLoadedExport = 'esx:playerLoaded' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- GENERAL ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.Progressbar = 'ox_lib' -- ox_lib / mythic / rprogress / progressbar / none Config.LockNPCDrivingCars = true -- Lock driven NPC cars | true = locked | false = unlocked Config.LockNPCParkedCars = true -- Lock parked NPC cars | true = locked | false = unlocked Config.ToggleLockKey = 'L' -- Toggle lock default keybind Config.EngineKey = 'G' -- On / Off engine default keybind --- @param --IMPORTANT! ESX selection is for only newest ESX versions -- if your ESX version isn't the newest one, use baseevents -> Dont forget to replace your baseevents with this one Config.Events = 'baseevents' -- esx / baseevents Config.RemoveLockpickNormal = 0.5 -- Chance to remove lockpick on fail Config.RemoveLockpickAdvanced = 0.2 -- Chance to remove advanced lockpick on fail Config.LockPickDoorEvent = function() local result = exports['dusa_lockpick']:startLockpick(5) -- 5 means try chance for lockpick minigame LockpickFinishCallback(result) end ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- NOTIFICATION ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Notification(message, type) ESX.ShowNotification(message, type) -- exports["qs-notify"]:Notify(type, 3500, message) -- exports["dusa_notify"]:notify(message, type) end function ServerNotification(src, message, type) TriggerClientEvent('qs-notify:Alert', src, message, 3500, type) end --- @param -- If you set this one ox_lib, go to fxmanifest and uncomment ox_lib line! Config.TextUI = 'ox_lib' -- drawtext / ox_lib ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ALERT OWNER SCENARIO ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.AlertOwner = true -- Will spawn NPC to save his own vehicle when lockpick failed Config.AlertChance = 100 -- Alert NPC vehicle owner chance Config.PedTypes = { -- If you want to add new NPC model, you can add from here `a_f_m_bodybuild_01`, `a_m_m_mexcntry_01`, `s_m_m_hairdress_01`, `csb_cletus`, `csb_anton`, `a_m_y_hipster_03`, `a_m_m_beach_01`, } ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- KEY FOB ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.EnableKeyFob = true -- Enable disable key fob Config.FobKeybind = 'I' -- Keybind key Config.FobDescription = 'Open Key Fob' -- Keybind desc ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- HOTWIRE ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.HotwireChance = 50 -- Hotwiring chance (For hotwire minigame) Config.TimeBetweenHotwires = 5000 -- Place a delay between hotwire attempts Config.minHotwireTime = 1000 -- Define time in ms for min-max hotwire progressbar length Config.maxHotwireTime = 5000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- CARJACKING ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.CarJackEnable = true -- Can players jack vehicles when a NPC inside? true or false Config.CarjackingTime = 2500 -- Car Jack Progressbar Length Config.DelayBetweenCarjackings = 5000 -- Place a Delay between jacking another car Config.CarjackChance = { -- Ped will flee depends on this chances ['2685387236'] = 0.0, -- melee ['416676503'] = 0.99, -- handguns ['-957766203'] = 0.99, -- SMG ['860033945'] = 0.90, -- shotgun ['970310034'] = 0.90, -- assault ['1159398588'] = 0.99, -- LMG ['3082541095'] = 0.99, -- sniper ['2725924767'] = 0.99, -- heavy ['1548507267'] = 0.0, -- throwable ['4257178988'] = 0.0, -- misc } ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- POLICE ALERT ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.AlertCooldown = 10000 -- Will send alert defined ms later Config.PoliceAlertChance = 0.75 -- Chance of alerting police at daytime Config.PoliceNightAlertChance = 0.50 -- Chance of alerting police at night (times:01-06) --- @param -- For customized dispatch, edit AlertPolice function below here. function AlertPolice(type, vehicle) if not AlertSend then local chance = Config.PoliceAlertChance if GetClockHours() >= 1 and GetClockHours() <= 6 then chance = Config.PoliceNightAlertChance end if math.random() <= chance then -- Integrate your own dispatch script here -- exports['ps-dispatch']:VehicleTheft(vehicle) -- Default TriggerServerEvent('dusa_vehiclekeys:server:policeAlert', Config.Language['info']["palert"] .. type) end AlertSend = true SetTimeout(Config.AlertCooldown, function() AlertSend = false end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- JOB VEHICLES ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.SharedKeys = { -- Share keys amongst employees. Employees can lock/unlock any job-listed vehicle ['police'] = { -- Job name vehicles = { 'police', -- Vehicle model 'police2', 'police3', } }, ['mechanic'] = { vehicles = { 'towtruck', } } } ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- MINOR ADJUSTMENTS ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.ImmuneVehicles = { -- Defined vehicles will be protected for car jacking (May be useful for your car heist scripts) 'hauler2', 'stockade', 'rtxbumper' } Config.NoLockVehicles = { -- This vehicles can not be locked --'vehiclename', 'rtxbumper' } Config.NoCarjackWeapons = { -- Blacklist weapons for car jacking "WEAPON_UNARMED", "WEAPON_Knife", "WEAPON_Nightstick", "WEAPON_HAMMER", "WEAPON_Bat", "WEAPON_Crowbar", "WEAPON_Golfclub", "WEAPON_Bottle", "WEAPON_Dagger", "WEAPON_Hatchet", "WEAPON_KnuckleDuster", "WEAPON_Machete", "WEAPON_Flashlight", "WEAPON_SwitchBlade", "WEAPON_Poolcue", "WEAPON_Wrench", "WEAPON_Battleaxe", "WEAPON_Grenade", "WEAPON_StickyBomb", "WEAPON_ProximityMine", "WEAPON_BZGas", "WEAPON_Molotov", "WEAPON_FireExtinguisher", "WEAPON_PetrolCan", "WEAPON_Flare", "WEAPON_Ball", "WEAPON_Snowball", "WEAPON_SmokeGrenade", } ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- TRANSLATION ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Config.Language = { ['notify'] = { ydhk = 'You don\'t have keys to this vehicle.', nonear = 'There is nobody nearby to hand keys to', vlock = 'Vehicle locked!', vunlock = 'Vehicle unlocked!', vlockpick = 'You managed to pick the door lock open!', fvlockpick = 'You fail to find the keys and get frustrated.', vgkeys = 'You hand over the keys.', vgetkeys = 'You get keys to the vehicle!', fpid = 'Fill out the player ID and Plate arguments', cjackfail = 'Carjacking failed!', vehclose = 'There\'s no close vehicle!', alertowner = 'Leave my car you idiot!', removedkey = 'Key removed successfully!', idnotvalid = 'The ID you defined is not valid!', }, ['progress'] = { takekeys = 'Taking keys from body...', hskeys = 'Searching for the car keys...', acjack = 'Attempting Carjacking...', stelingkeys = 'Stealing Keys..', hotwiring = 'Hotwiring..', }, ['info'] = { skeys = '[H] - Hotwire', tlock = 'Toggle Vehicle Locks', palert = 'Vehicle theft in progress. Type: ', engine = 'Toggle Engine', }, ['addcom'] = { givekeys = 'Hand over the keys to someone. If no ID, gives to closest person or everyone in the vehicle.', givekeys_id = 'id', givekeys_id_help = 'Player ID', addkeys = 'Adds keys to a vehicle for someone.', addkeys_id = 'id', addkeys_id_help = 'Player ID', addkeys_plate = 'plate', addkeys_plate_help = 'Plate', rkeys = 'Remove keys to a vehicle for someone.', rkeys_id = 'id', rkeys_id_help = 'Player ID', rkeys_plate = 'plate', rkeys_plate_help = 'Plate', } }
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