Config file
-- IZZY = {} IZZY.Framework = "qb" --qb - oldqb IZZY.FrameWorkScriptName = "qb-core" IZZY.FrameGetObjectEvent = 'QBCore:GetObject' IZZY.sql = "oxmysql" --Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async IZZY.SellPercentange = 10 --%10 IZZY.ExtendPercentange = 20 --%20 1 week extend price IZZY.RentDay = 7 --7 day for 1 rent time(week) IZZY.AccountForManageMarket = "bank" --For deposit money etc. IZZY.FixCommand = "marketfix" IZZY.Blip = { BlipSprite = 52, BlipColour = 2, BlipScale = 0.7, BlipName = "Shop", } IZZY.BuyMarketBlip = { BlipSprite = 350, BlipColour = 3, BlipScale = 0.7, BlipName = "Buy Market", } IZZY.WhoSallerBlip = { BlipSprite = 52, BlipColour = 27, BlipScale = 0.7, BlipName = "WhoSaller", } IZZY.ShopCoords = { [1] = vector3(-48.2197, -1757.4711, 29.4210), [2] = vector3(1163.2614, -323.6537, 69.2051), [3] = vector3(-707.3671, -914.3745, 19.2156), [4] = vector3(-1820.6412, 792.6923, 138.1135), [5] = vector3(1698.1538, 4924.4492, 42.0637), [6] = vector3(1135.6437, -982.3683, 46.4158), [7] = vector3(-1222.9817, -907.1884, 12.3263), [8] = vector3(-1487.2129, -379.1227, 40.1634), [9] = vector3(-2968.0149, 390.8926, 15.0433), [10] = vector3(1165.9236, 2709.1414, 38.1577), [11] = vector3(1392.5616, 3604.9871, 34.9809), [12] = vector3(373.8432, 326.2942, 103.5664), [13] = vector3(2556.8718, 382.1080, 108.6229), [14] = vector3(-3039.3450, 585.8024, 7.9089), [15] = vector3(-3241.8052, 1001.3857, 12.8307), [16] = vector3(547.7012, 2671.2729, 42.1565), [17] = vector3(1961.4301, 3740.4883, 32.3437), [18] = vector3(2679.0320, 3280.5186, 55.2411), [19] = vector3(1729.3567, 6414.9438, 35.0372), [20] = vector3(25.8079, -1347.2013, 29.4970), } IZZY.BuyShopCoords = vector3(-685.8456, 223.0823, 81.9551) IZZY.WhoSaller = vector3(1197.0603, -3253.5757, 7.0952) IZZY.WhoSallerItems = { [0] = { itemname = "iron", label = "Demir", price = 5, }, [1] = { itemname = "Water", label = "Water", price = 50, }, [2] = { itemname = "bandage", label = "Bandage", price = 17, }, [3] = { itemname = "carokit", label = "Body Kit", price = 17, }, [4] = { itemname = "iron", label = "Iron", price = 13, }, [5] = { itemname = "copper", label = "Copper", price = 2, }, [6] = { itemname = "diamond", label = "Diamon", price = 74, }, [7] = { itemname = "gold", label = "Gold", price = 89, }, [8] = { itemname = "fixkit", label = "Fixkit", price = 45, }, [9] = { itemname = "medikit", label = "Medikit", price = 65, }, } -- ekleme IZZY.DefaultItems = { [0] = { itemname = "iron", label = "Demir", price = 5, stock = 50, }, [1] = { itemname = "Water", label = "Water", price = 50, stock = 50, }, [2] = { itemname = "bandage", label = "Bandage", price = 17, stock = 50, }, } IZZY.Languages = { ["nomoney"] = "You don't have money", ["bought"] = "Bougted.", ["no_money_on_market"] = "Not enought money on market.", ["already_working_here"] = "This player already working on this market.", ["not_online"] = "This player not in game", ["rented_market"] = "Market rented.", ["error_market"] = "Market not found try again", ["hired_person"] = "Person hired.", ["remove_stock"] = "Removed in stock.", ["negative_number"] = "You can't enter negative number.", ["price_changed"] = "Price changed.", ["no_stock"] = "There is not that much stock", ["turn_back_item"] = "You got the items back. Amount:", ["enter_price"] = "You have to enter price", ["enter_stock"] = "You have to enter stock", ["stock_added"] = "Stock added.", ["max_stock"] = "Max Stock: ", ["fired_person"] = "Fired from job.", ["cannot_increase"] = "You can't increase it any more", ["cannot_decrease"] = "You can't decrease it any more", ["removed_on_basket"] = "Removed item on basket.", ["has_owner_market"] = "This market already has an owner.", ["enter_player_id"] = "You need enter player id", ["not_market_owner"] = "You're not a market owner.", ["buy_market"] = "[E] Buy Market" , ["whosaller"] = "[E] WhoSaller", ["acces_market"] = "[E] Access Market", ["market_no"] = "Market No: ", -- ekleme ["no_job"] = "Your job cannot access this market.", } -- ekleme IZZY.Shops = { ["policemarket"] = { --must be uniq job = "police", --if you want add job, don't want set false MarketName = "Police Shop", --market name coords = vector3(37.2594, -1758.7753, 29.3020), --set coords blip = { --for blip option, if you don't want set false Label = "Police Market", Sprite = 5, Colour = 5, Scale = 0.7, }, items = { --you can set shop items with this table [0] = { itemname = "weapon_pistol", --itemname label = "Pistol", --label price = 5, --price stock = 50, --stock (refresh on every open shop) }, [1] = { itemname = "Water", label = "Water", price = 50, stock = 50, }, [2] = { itemname = "bandage", label = "Bandage", price = 17, stock = 50, }, } }, ["megamall"] = { job = false, MarketName = "MegaMall", coords = vector3(16.6959, -1754.6932, 29.3030), blip = { Label = "MegaMall", Sprite = 5, Colour = 5, Scale = 0.7, }, items = { [0] = { itemname = "bandage", label = "test item", price = 5, stock = 50, }, [1] = { itemname = "Water", label = "Water", price = 50, stock = 50, }, [2] = { itemname = "bandage", label = "Bandage", price = 17, stock = 50, }, } }, }
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