Langages de codage FiveM : lesquels sont pris en charge ?

FiveM, a popular modification framework for Grand Theft Auto V, enables players to customize multiplayer servers with unique game modes, resources, and modifications. To bring these customizations to life, developers use several coding languages supported by FiveM, each with unique strengths and capabilities. This guide explores the primary coding languages used in FiveM development, provides practical examples, and outlines the key uses of each.

Let’s break down each language and explain its use cases, strengths, and examples.


Lua is the most popular scripting language in FiveM, known for its simplicity and ease of use. It’s widely used for creating scripts that control various aspects of the server, such as handling player actions, modifying game mechanics, and adding new features.

Why Lua?

  • Lightweight and Fast: Lua is designed to be a lightweight scripting language, making it an excellent choice for handling game mechanics and server-side logic without consuming too many resources.
  • Easy to Learn: Lua’s syntax is straightforward, making it accessible for beginners.
  • Large Community: There is a vast amount of existing FiveM Lua scripts and resources, making it easier to find examples and documentation.

Common Uses in FiveM

  • Creating server-side scripts: Lua can be used to control game events, player inventories, and spawning.
  • Client-side scripts: It allows the modification of graphics, player input handling, and rendering of custom elements.
  • Interfacing with other resources: Lua scripts are used to connect different resources, like database integration or other external APIs.

Lua Example

Here is a basic example of a Lua script that displays a welcome message when a player joins the server:

AddEventHandler('playerConnecting', function(playerName, setKickReason)
    print('Welcome ' .. playerName .. ' to the server!')

In this example, the AddEventHandler function triggers a print message in the server console when a player connects.

JavaScript (Node.js)

Javascript, particularly using Node.js, is another scripting language supported by FiveM. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also work on the client side. JavaScript allows for more extensive and complex server operations compared to Lua.

Why JavaScript?

  • Familiarity: JavaScript is widely known, making it accessible for many developers.
  • Asynchronous Programming: With Node.js, JavaScript supports asynchronous programming, which can improve server performance when handling multiple requests.
  • Un écosystème riche: JavaScript has a vast ecosystem of libraries and modules that can be used to enhance FiveM server functionalities.

Common Uses in FiveM

  • Backend server development: Creating APIs and server logic using Node.js.
  • Integrating with external services: JavaScript can easily connect to external APIs, databases, or web services.
  • Complex server-side logic: Handling tasks like user authentication or data processing.

JavaScript Example

A simple example of a JavaScript script that sends a notification to the player when they join:

on('playerConnecting', (playerName, setKickReason) => {
    console.log(`Welcome ${playerName} to the server!`);

This JavaScript snippet works similarly to the Lua example but uses JavaScript syntax and functions.

3. C#

C# is a statically typed language that can be used in FiveM for more structured and type-safe development. C# scripts run on the server and can be used to create both server-side and client-side logic.

Why C#?

  • Type Safety: C# is a statically typed language, which reduces runtime errors and helps with code quality.
  • Integration with .NET libraries: C# can easily integrate with a wide range of .NET libraries and tools, making it useful for complex applications.
  • Performance: C# offers better performance than scripting languages like Lua or JavaScript in some scenarios due to its compiled nature.

Common Uses in FiveM

  • Building complex server-side logic: C# is ideal for tasks like managing player data, implementing game mechanics, or connecting with external services.
  • Creating custom game modes: The structure and performance of C# allow for more complex game modes or features.
  • Developing tools and utilities: C# can be used for backend tools or administrative utilities.

C# Example

Here is a basic example of a C# script that welcomes a player to the server:

using CitizenFX.Core;

public class WelcomeScript : BaseScript
    public WelcomeScript()
        EventHandlers["playerConnecting"] += new Action<string, dynamic>((playerName, setKickReason) =>
            Debug.WriteLine($"Welcome {playerName} to the server!");

This script uses C# with FiveM’s .NET API to listen for player connections and print a welcome message.

4. HTML/CSS/JavaScript (for UI Development)

FiveM also supports HTML, CSSet Javascript for creating custom user interfaces. These web-based languages enable developers to design rich graphical interfaces for in-game menus, notifications, and more.

Why Use HTML/CSS/JavaScript for UI?

  • Modern Web Technologies: These languages are standard in web development and offer many libraries and frameworks for creating beautiful interfaces.
  • Personnalisation: Allows for highly customized menus, maps, HUDs, and other interface elements.
  • Interactivity: JavaScript can be used to handle user input, animations, and data interaction.

Common Uses in FiveM

  • Creating custom menus: Use HTML/CSS for designing custom menus, shops, or inventories.
  • Displaying in-game notifications: Create custom notification styles that appear in the game.
  • Designing mini-games or interactive screens: Use web-based languages to create mini-games or interactive maps.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript Example

Below is an example of how to create a basic notification using HTML and JavaScript:

HTML (notification.html):

<div id="notification" style="display: none;">
    <p>Welcome to the server!</p>

JavaScript (notification.js):

function showNotification() {
    document.getElementById('notification').style.display = 'block';
    setTimeout(() => {
        document.getElementById('notification').style.display = 'none';
    }, 5000);

window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
    if ( === 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION') {

This example shows how a basic in-game notification can be created using HTML and JavaScript.

Comparison of FiveM Coding Languages

LanguePourConsCommon Uses
LuaEasy to learn, lightweight, fastLess structured, limited to FiveMServer-side and client-side scripts
JavascriptFamiliar, supports async, rich ecosystemSlower than C#, requires Node.jsServer APIs, backend development
C#Type safety, integrates with .NETMore complex syntax, requires .NET setupComplex logic, custom game modes
HTML/CSS/JSRich UI capabilities, modern tech stackLimited to UI tasks, requires web dev skillsCustom menus, in-game notifications
Coding Languages used in FiveM


FiveM supports multiple coding languages, each offering distinct advantages depending on the use case. Lua is ideal for simple scripting, JavaScript for backend development, C# for complex applications, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript for custom interfaces. Understanding these languages and how they can be applied in FiveM development is crucial for building a robust server that offers a rich gameplay experience.

Leveraging these coding languages will allow you to create custom experiences and optimize your FiveM server.

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