

, , , ,

Le prix initial était : $31.99.Le prix actuel est : $22.99.

Offre spéciale


  • Compatible avec ESX et QB-Core
  • Compatibilité avec les barres de progression
  • Compatibilité avec mini-jeux comme la barre de compétences
  • Compatibilité avec les systèmes cibles - ox_target, qb-target etc.
  • Compatibilité avec les menus : esx_menu_default, esx_context, qb-menu, ox_lib.
  • Compatibilité avec le menu de questions personnalisées pour accepter les achats de cartes de sport comme vms_notify.
  • Menu avec statistiques sur les personnages.
  • Traduction du texte dans de nombreuses langues grâce à l'équipe de VMS Translator : anglais, tchèque, allemand, français, espagnol, portugais, polonais
  • La possibilité d'avoir plusieurs gymnases sur le serveur.
  • La possibilité de configurer la salle de sport pour travailler, y compris la possibilité de définir le laissez-passer requis qui peut être vendu par un employé avec le grêle défini dans la configuration de travail.
  • Abonnements temporaires à des salles de sport intégrés dans le script avec des délais d'expiration réglables.
  • De nombreuses activités au gymnase : banc, barre, haltères, tractions sur une barre, pompes, course sur un tapis roulant - L'endurance pendant l'exercice dépend de la condition de votre personnage - pour augmenter la condition de votre personnage, il faut nager, courir ou faire du vélo. - Pour pratiquer cela, il faut appuyer sur un bouton, ce n'est pas automatique, vous pouvez aussi vous brancher, par exemple, sur la barre de compétences.
  • Le manque d'exercice entraîne une diminution de la condition et de la force au fil du temps.
  • Possibilité de modifier la vitesse de course et la force d'impact en fonction des statistiques du personnage.
  • Possibilité d'utiliser un marqueur, un texte 3D ou sans ces options.
  • Le script dispose de 3 exports côté client - addSkill('skill_name', value) => Cela vous permet d'augmenter votre skill avec d'autres activités dans vos autres scripts. - getSkill('skill_name') => La possibilité d'obtenir une valeur du niveau de compétence d'un joueur et donc d'ajouter la possibilité d'être actif dans d'autres ressources quand un joueur a assez d'endurance ou de force, par exemple. - removeSkill('skill_name', value) => Ceci vous permet de réduire le skilling avec d'autres activités dans vos autres scripts, par exemple manger des aliments caloriques comme des hamburgers etc.
  • Traduction complète avec config.lua et translation.js.
  • Complet soutien.
Ajouter à la liste de souhaits
Ajouter à la liste de souhaits
Commande sécurisée

Obtenez votre téléchargement instantanément.

  • Garantie de remboursement sans risque !
  • Assistance incluse
  • Mises à jour futures

Config file:

Config = {}

Config.Core = "ESX" -- "ESX" / "QB-Core"
Config.CoreExport = function()
    return exports[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"]['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
    -- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

Config.Notification = function(title, message, time, icon, type)
    if type == "success" then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, time, "#27FF09", icon)
        -- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
		-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "success", 5000)
    elseif type == "info" then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, time, "#428AF5", icon)
        -- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
		-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "inform", 5000)
    elseif type == "error" then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, time, "#FF0909", icon)
        -- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
		-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "error", 5000)

Config.TextUI = {
    Enabled = false,
    Open = function(msg)
        exports["interact"]:Open("E", msg) -- Here you can use your TextUI or use my free one - https://github.com/vames-dev/interact
        -- exports['okokTextUI']:Open('[E] '..msg, 'darkgreen', 'right')
        -- exports['qb-core']:DrawText(msg, 'right')
    Close = function(msg)
        exports["interact"]:Close() -- Here you can use your TextUI or use my free one - https://github.com/vames-dev/interact
        -- exports['okokTextUI']:Close()
        -- exports['qb-core']:HideText()

--@AutoExecuteQuery: Will automatically add the 'statistics' column to your ESX: `users` / QB-Core: `players` table if it doesn't already exist.
Config.AutoExecuteQuery = true

-- @PlayerLoaded: ESX: "esx:playerLoaded" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded"
Config.PlayerLoaded = "esx:playerLoaded"

-- @PlayerLoaded: ESX: "esx:playerLoaded" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Server:OnPlayerLoaded"
Config.PlayerLoadedServer = "esx:playerLoaded"

-- @PlayerLogoutServer: ESX: "esx:playerDropped" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Server:OnPlayerUnload"
Config.PlayerLogoutServer = "esx:playerDropped"

-- @JobUpdated: ESX: "esx:setJob" / QB-Core: "QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate"
Config.JobUpdated = 'esx:setJob'

-- @SavingTimeout: Every how long the player's statistics will be saved to the database - recommended 10 or 15 minutes
Config.SavingTimeout = 60 * 10 * 1000 -- 10 minutes

Config.Menu = 'esx_context' -- 'esx_menu_default' / 'esx_context' / 'qb-menu' / 'ox_lib'
Config.ESXMenuDefault_Align = 'right'

Config.SendNotificationWhenSkillIncrase = true
Config.SendNotificationWhenSkillDecrease = true

Config.DistanceView = 2.25
Config.DistanceAccess = 0.5
Config.UseMarkers = true
Config.Use3DText = false
Config.UseHelpNotify = true

-- @UseTarget: If you use a target, markers for gym activities will not be displayed - the marker will remain for the boss menu
Config.UseTarget = false
Config.TargetResource = 'ox_target'
Config.Target = function(data, func)
    if Config.TargetResource == 'ox_target' then
            coords = data.activityCoord,
            size = vec(2.0, 2.0, 4.3),
            debug = false,
            useZ = true,
            rotation = data.activityCoord.w,
            options = {
                    distance = 2.0,
                    name = 'gym-'..data.name,
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-dumbbell',
                    label = Config.Translate[Config.Language]['action.'..data.name],
                    onSelect = func
    elseif Config.TargetResource == 'qb-target' then
        local id = math.random(1000000,1000000000000)
        exports['qb-target']:AddBoxZone('gym-'..data.name..'-'..id, data.activityCoord, 2.0, 2.0, {
            name = 'gym-'..data.name..'-'..id,
            heading = data.activityCoord.w,
            debugPoly = true,
            minZ = data.activityCoord.z,
            maxZ = data.activityCoord.z+3.5,
        }, {
            options = {
                    num = 1,
                    icon = 'fas fa-example',
                    label = Config.Translate[Config.Language]['action.'..data.name],
                    targeticon = 'fa-solid fa-dumbbell',
                    action = func,
                    drawDistance = 10.0,
                    drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255},
                    successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255},
            distance = 0.7,
        -- If you are using a target system other than ox_target and qb-target, add your target usability logging function here

-- @EnableMemberships: If you use in any gym the required membership, run it then it will work correctly reading memberships
Config.EnableMemberships = true

-- @EnableGiveMembership: Allows employees to give gym memberships.
Config.EnableGiveMembership = true
Config.GetClosestPlayersFunction = function()
    local playerInArea = ESX.Game.GetPlayersInArea(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 10.0) -- For ESX
    -- local playerInArea = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayersFromCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 10.0) -- For QB-CORE
    return playerInArea

-- @EnableStrenghtModifier: In the config.client.lua file, you can modify the player's hitting power with certain power stats.
Config.EnableStrenghtModifier = true

-- @EnableRunSpeedModifier: In the config.client.lua file, you can modify the player's running speed with certain condition stats.
Config.EnableRunSpeedModifier = true

-- @EnableStaminaModifier: In the config.client.lua file, you can modify the player's stamina level with certain condition stats.
Config.EnableStaminaModifier = true

-- @EnableSkillDrivingEffects: With low driving skill your vehicle will run into slides more often or through lack of skill will randomly turn, the higher the level the less or no effect it has
Config.EnableSkillDrivingEffects = true
Config.SkillDrivingEffectMinimumSpeed = 30.0

-- @UnitOfSpeed: Customize your speed unit if you intend to use Config.EnableSkillDrivingEffects
Config.UnitOfSpeed = 'kmh' -- 'kmh' or 'mph'

-- @AutoMembershipForEmployees: Every gym employee will have a gym membership with no requirement to buy one
Config.AutoMembershipForEmployees = true

-- @UseCustomQuestionMenu: if you want to use for example vms_notify Question Menu, set it true, if you want to use Config.Menu to accept / reject of buying membership
Config.UseCustomQuestionMenu = false
Config.CustomQuestionMenu = function(sellerId, membershipName, days, hours, price)
    local question = exports['vms_notify']:Question(
        hours ~= 0 and Config.Translate[Config.Language]["question.description.buy_membership_hours"]:format(price, hours) or Config.Translate[Config.Language]["question.description.buy_membership"]:format(price, days), 
        'fa-solid fa-people-arrows'
    if question == 'y' then -- vms_notify question export return 'y' when player accept and 'n' when player reject
        TriggerServerEvent("vms_gym:sv:acceptMembership", sellerId, membershipName, days, price)
    elseif question == 'n' then
        TriggerServerEvent("vms_gym:sv:rejectMembership", sellerId)

-- @UseProgressbar: If you want to use a progress-bar for the exercises you are doing, you can do so below.
Config.UseProgressbar = false
Config.Progressbar = function(actionName, time)
        name = actionName,
        label = Config.Translate[Config.Language]["progressbar."..actionName],
        duration = time,
        canCancel = false,
        controlDisables = {
            disableMouse = false,
            disableMovement = true,
            disableCarMovement = true,
            disableCombat = true,

-- @UseSkillbar: If you want to use a skill-bar for the exercises you are doing, you can do so below.
Config.UseSkillbar = false
Config.Skillbar = function(actionName, cb)
    local finished = exports["tgiann-skillbar"]:taskBar(3000)

Config.BossMenu = function(jobName)
    if Config.Core == "ESX" then
        TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', jobName, function(data, menu) -- esx_society
        end, {wash = false})
    elseif Config.Core == "QB-Core" then
        TriggerEvent('qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu') -- qb-management

Config.StatisticCommand = '+statistics'
Config.StatisticKey = 'G'
Config.StatisticDescription = 'Open statistics menu'

Config.StatisticsMenu = {
    ['strenght'] = true,
    ['condition'] = true,
    ['shooting'] = true,
    ['driving'] = true,
    ['flying'] = true,

Config.Blip = { -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
    ["Sprite"] = 311,
    ["Scale"] = 0.85,
    ["Color"] = 46,
    ["Display"] = 4

Config.Keys = { -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
    enter = 38, -- E
    train = 22, -- SPACE
    stop = 73-- X

Config.Markers = {
	['BossMenu'] = {
		id = 29,
		color = {95, 255, 95, 125},
		size = vec(0.33, 0.33, 0.33),
		bobUpAndDown = false,
		rotate = true
	['FreeSeat'] = {
		id = 20,
        color = {59, 227, 137, 125},
        rotation = {180.0, 0.0, 0.0},
		size = vec(0.15, 0.15, 0.15),
		bobUpAndDown = false,
		rotate = true

Config.Animations = {
    ['pull-up'] = {
        enter = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@enter', 'enter', 1800},
        idle = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
        training = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@base', 'base', 2900},
        exit = {'amb@prop_human_muscle_chin_ups@male@exit', 'exit', 2000},
    ['bench'] = {
        enter = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@enter', 'enter', 0},
        idle = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@base', 'base', -1},
        training = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@idle_a', 'idle_a', 2350},
        exit = {'amb@prop_human_seat_muscle_bench_press@exit', 'exit', 2500},
    ['barbell'] = {
        idle = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
        training = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@base', 'base', 4500},
    ['push-up'] = {
        enter = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@enter', 'enter', 3500},
        idle = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
        training = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@base', 'base', 1100},
        exit = {'amb@world_human_push_ups@male@exit', 'exit', 4050},
    ['dumbbells'] = {
        idle = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@idle_a', 'idle_a', -1},
        training = {'amb@world_human_muscle_free_weights@male@barbell@base', 'base', 4500},
    ['treadmill'] = {
        idle = {'move_m@hurry@c', 'walk', -1},
        training = {'move_m@brave@a', 'run', 4000},

-- @RefreshTimeAddStats: Time every how much the statistic will add up for different activities e.g. swimming, running etc.
Config.RefreshTimeAddStats = 10000 -- 10 seconds
Config.AddStatsValues = {
    -- Condition:
    ['Running'] = 3,
    ['Swimming'] = {5, 8},
    ['Cycling'] = {minimumSpeed = 15, value = {6, 8}},
    -- Shooting:
    ['Shooting'] = {1, 2},

    -- Driving:
    ['Driving'] = {minimumSpeed = 140, value = {2, 7}},

    -- Flying:
    ['Flying'] = {minimumSpeed = 180, value = {5, 10}},

-- @RefreshTimeRemoveStats: 
Config.RefreshTimeRemoveStats = 120000 -- 120 seconds
Config.RemoveStatsValues = {
    -- Condition:
    ['RemoveCondition'] = 1,

    -- Strength:
    ['RemoveStrength'] = 1,

Config.Gyms = {
    [1] = {
        business = true,
        ownerJob = 'police',
        jobMenuPos = vector3(-1195.35, -1577.57, 4.5),
        menuGrades = nil, -- nil: any player with this job | string: 'boss' | table: {'boss', 'manager'}
        bossMenuGrades = 'boss', -- string: 'boss' or table: {'boss', 'manager'}
        blipCoords = vector3(-1203.47, -1564.67, 4.02), -- don't remove it, set it in the center of the gym
        blipName = 'Gym Plaza',
        blipEnabled = true,
        requiredMembership = 'plaza_gym', -- false or name of membership like: 'plaza_gym'
        memberships = {
            {hours = 2, price = 100},
            {hours = 12, price = 500},
            {days = 1, price = 1000},
            {days = 7, price = 5500},
            {days = 14, price = 10000},
            {days = 24, price = 20000},
            {days = 31, price = 25000},
        points = {
                name = 'bench',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1200.64, -1562.11, 3.10, 125.29),
                position = vec(-1201.55, -1562.81, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 8,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
                name = 'bench',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1207.11, -1560.81, 3.10, 212.49),
                position = vec(-1206.53, -1561.62, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 8,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
                name = 'bench',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1201.3, -1575.02, 3.10, 216.27),
                position = vec(-1200.68, -1575.89, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 8,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
                name = 'bench',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_60kg', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1197.96, -1568.22, 3.10, 305.69),
                position = vec(-1197.13, -1567.6, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 8,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 4}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 4} it will be 0.2, 0.4
                name = 'pull-up',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1204.74, -1564.35, 3.585, 35.88),
                position = vec(-1204.74, -1564.35, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 6,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 3} it will be 0.1, 0.3
                name = 'pull-up',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1200.02, -1571.14, 3.585, 213.62),
                position = vec(-1200.19, -1570.93, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 6,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 3} it will be 0.1, 0.3
                name = 'barbell',
                prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1199.03, -1574.59, 3.61, 215.48),
                position = vec(-1198.97, -1574.5, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 7,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
                name = 'barbell',
                prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1197.01, -1572.9, 3.61, 214.71),
                position = vec(-1197.01, -1572.9, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 7,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
                name = 'barbell',
                prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1202.67, -1565.53, 3.61, 32.46),
                position = vec(-1202.67, -1565.53, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 7,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
                name = 'barbell',
                prop = {name = 'prop_curl_bar_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1210.31, -1561.34, 3.61, 77.1),
                position = vec(-1210.31, -1561.34, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 7,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {2, 3}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {2, 3} it will be 0.2, 0.3
                name = 'push-up',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1204.48, -1561.15, 3.61, 29.36),
                position = vec(-1204.48, -1561.15, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 3,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = 1}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'dumbbells',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
                prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1202.6, -1572.78, 3.61, 127.31),
                position = vec(-1202.6, -1572.78, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 4,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
                name = 'dumbbells',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
                prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1209.33, -1559.18, 3.61, 48.95),
                position = vec(-1209.33, -1559.18, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 4,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
                name = 'dumbbells',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
                prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1198.32, -1565.38, 3.62, 240.3),
                position = vector3(-1198.32, -1565.41, 4.5),
                removeStamina = 4,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
    [2] = {
        business = nil,
        ownerJob = nil,
        jobMenuPos = vector3(-1254.26, -354.04, 36.96),
        menuGrades = nil, -- nil: any player with this job | string: 'boss' | table: {'boss', 'manager'}
        bossMenuGrades = 'boss', -- string: 'boss' or table: {'boss', 'manager'}
        blipCoords = vector(-1255.8, -354.21, 35.96),
        blipName = 'Pump & Run GYM',
        blipEnabled = true,
        requiredMembership = 'pump_and_run', -- false or name of membership like: 'pump_and_run'
        memberships = {
            {days = 1, price = 1000},
            {days = 7, price = 5500},
            {days = 14, price = 10000},
            {days = 24, price = 20000},
            {days = 31, price = 25000},
        points = {
                name = 'treadmill',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1257.63, -366.56, 36.12, 207.75),
                position = vector3(-1258.33, -365.23, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 1,
                addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'treadmill',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1259.15, -367.3, 36.11, 207.75),
                position = vector3(-1259.76, -366.11, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 1,
                addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'treadmill',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1260.75, -368.02, 36.11, 207.75),
                position = vector3(-1261.32, -366.99, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 1,
                addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'treadmill',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1262.14, -368.9, 36.11, 207.75),
                position = vector3(-1262.67, -367.88, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 1,
                addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'treadmill',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1263.46, -369.66, 36.11, 207.75),
                position = vector3(-1264.11, -368.58, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 1,
                addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'treadmill',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1264.84, -370.34, 36.11, 210.35),
                position = vector3(-1265.42, -369.34, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 1,
                addSkill = {skill = "condition", value = {4, 5}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1

                name = 'push-up',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1263.23, -363.06, 35.99, 281.81),
                position = vector3(-1263.24, -363.07, 36.99),
                removeStamina = 3,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = 1}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'push-up',
                activityCoord = vector4(-1262.22, -359.14, 35.99, 225.7),
                position = vector3(-1262.35, -359.08, 36.99),
                removeStamina = 3,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = 1}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting 1 it will be 0.1
                name = 'dumbbells',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
                prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1261.55, -353.61, 35.96, 293.97),
                position = vector3(-1261.55, -353.61, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 4,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
                name = 'dumbbells',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
                prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1268.76, -357.8, 35.96, 298.89),
                position = vector3(-1268.7, -357.75, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 4,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2
                name = 'dumbbells',
                prop = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 28422, placement = {-0.24, 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0}},
                prop2 = {name = 'prop_barbell_01', attachBone = 60309, placement = {0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 120.0}},
                activityCoord = vector4(-1266.69, -356.9, 35.96, 118.72),
                position = vector3(-1266.69, -356.9, 36.96),
                removeStamina = 4,
                addSkill = {skill = "strenght", value = {1, 2}}, -- this value is divided by 10 - this means that setting {1, 2} it will be 0.1, 0.2


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