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Ursprünglicher Preis war: $40.99Aktueller Preis ist: $20.99.


Ursprünglich für meinen persönlichen FiveM-Server erstellt; *wasabi_multijob* ist eine Lösung für das Problem, dass Spieler auf einen einzigen Job beschränkt sind. Was als einfaches Multi-Job-Menü begann, hat sich nun zu einem vollständigen Boss-Menü/Standard-Boss-Menü-Ersatz entwickelt.


  • Vollständig optimiert
  • Adds all jobs to menu when player is awarded Job they have not been awarded prior
  • Ermöglicht es den Spielern, einfach den Dienst zu wechseln
  • Ermöglicht den Spielern den einfachen Wechsel zwischen einer Reihe von Jobs
  • Boss-Menüs, die Sie überall, für jede Aufgabe, in der Konfiguration problemlos platzieren können
  • Chef-Menüs können verwendet werden, um den Rang zu ändern oder Mitarbeiter zu entlassen, egal ob sie online oder offline sind.
  • Boss-Menü liest von wasabi_multijob SQL-Tabelle anstelle von Job Spalte von Benutzer Tabelle (Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass alle Mitarbeiter aufgelistet werden, unabhängig davon, ob sie stempeln oder nicht, und dass die Stelle aus der Liste entfernt wird, wenn sie entlassen wird)
  • Ersetzen Sie die Menüs des ESX-Chefs
  • Möglichkeit, Boni an Mitarbeiterbanken über das Chefmenü zu vergeben, auch wenn der Mitarbeiter offline ist.
  • Der aktive Job des Benutzers wechselt zum Standard-Job außerhalb des Dienstes/arbeitslos, wenn er diesen Job während des Dienstes löscht
  • Möglichkeit, Aufträge auf eine schwarze Liste zu setzen, damit sie nicht zum Auftragsmenü hinzugefügt werden (z. B. Gefangene) *Neu!
  • Geschmackvolle Icons *Neu!
  • Fügt bei Bedarf automatisch addon_account data und addon_account_data Tabellen hinzu (für einfaches Hinzufügen von Boss-Menüs, ohne Daten manuell in SQL hinzufügen zu müssen) *Neu!
  • Häufige Aktualisierungen und Ergänzungen geplant
  • Vollständig unterstützen bereitgestellt
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  • Geld-zurück-Garantie ohne Risiko!
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  • Zukünftige Updates


Config = {}

Config.JobMenuCommand = 'jobs' -- Command you want for opening job menu(/jobs default)
Config.JobMenuKey = 'F5' -- Configure to whichever desired key. Set to false if undesired

Config.MaxJobs = 4 -- Maximum jobs a player can have in their menu(Set to false to disable limit)

Config.OffDutyJob = {-- Job it switches you to while off duty.
    name = 'unemployed',
    grade = 0

Config.blacklist = { -- Jobs you don't want awarded to menu when given to player(I.e prisoner)
--  [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"]['JOB_HERE'] = true,
    ['prisoner'] = true,

Config.BossMenus = { -- Configurable boss menus(Good for adding boss menus for any job that has a 'boss' grade)
    enabled = true, -- Easily disable completely by switching to false
    marker = { -- Marker configuration
        type = 27,
        color = {r = 50, g = 50, b = 204},
        drawDistance = 10
    locations = { -- Add/edit boss menu locations for defined jobs(Jobs must have a 'boss' grade to access menu)
    --  { coords = vector3(XX.XX, XX.XX, XX.XX), job = 'JOB_NAME_HERE' }, -- EXAMPLE
        {coords = vector3(-576.1141, -936.6058, 28.69531-0.9), job = "police", label = "POLICE"},
        {coords = vector3(334.95, -594.01, 43.28-0.9), job = "ambulance", label = "EMS"},

Strings = {
    -- All strings for language change purposes

    -- Notifications
    ['hired_header'] = 'You\'ve been Hired!',
    ['hired_content'] = 'A job has been awarded in your job menu.',
    ['alr_clocked'] = 'Already Clocked In',
    ['alr_clocked_desc'] = 'You are already clocked in to this job.',
    ['clocked_out'] = 'Clocked Out',
    ['clocked_out_desc'] = 'You have successfully clocked out.',
    ['deleted'] = 'Deleted',
    ['deleted_desc'] = 'Job successfully deleted.',
    ['no_perm'] = 'No Permision',
    ['no_perm_desc'] = 'You are not authorized to access this!',
    ['invalid_amount'] = 'Invalid Amount',
    ['invalid_amount_desc'] = 'Please input a valid amount!',
    ['deposit_successful'] = 'Deposit Successful',
    ['deposit_successful_desc'] = 'You have successfully deposited $%s in to the business account',
    ['lacking_funds'] = 'Lacking Funds',
    ['lacking_funds_desc'] = 'You don\'t have enough cash for this transaction',
    ['withdrawal_funds'] = 'Withdrawal Funds',
    ['withdrawal_successful'] = 'Withdrawal Successful',
    ['withdrawal_successful_desc'] = 'You have successfully withdrawaled $%s from the business account',
    ['success'] = 'Success',
    ['success_desc'] = 'Action Successful!',
    ['invalid_id'] = 'Invalid ID',
    ['invalid_id_desc'] = 'Player not found with ID entered',
    ['hire_success'] = 'Hire Successful',
    ['hire_success_desc'] = 'You have successfully hired %s',
    ['bonus_success_desc'] = 'You successfully send %s a $%s bonus',
    ['bonus_title'] = 'Bonus Received!',
    ['bonus_msg'] = 'You were granted a $%s employment bonus from %s.',
    ['no_money'] = 'Insufficient Funds',
    ['no_money_desc'] = 'There are not enough funds for this action',
    ['delete_confirm'] = 'Caution!',
    ['delete_confirm_desc'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this job?',
    ['fire_confirm_desc'] = 'Are you sure you wish to fire this employee?',
    ['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled',
    ['cancelled_desc'] = 'You cancelled your previous action',
    ['fired'] = 'Employee Terminated',
    ['fired_desc'] = 'You successfully fired the employee',

    --Main Menu
    ['offduty_header'] = 'Off Duty',
    ['clockedin_job'] = 'Current Job:',
    ['grade_label'] = 'Position:',
    ['no_jobs'] = 'No Saved Jobs!',
    ['nojob_desc'] = 'Try applying at local businesses',
    ['jobs_menu'] = 'Jobs Menu',
    ['go_back'] = '< Go Back',

    -- Job Clock In / Out / Delete Menu
    ['clock_in'] = 'Clock In',
    ['clock_out'] = 'Clock Out',
    ['delete_job'] = 'Delete Job',

    -- Boss Menu
    ['employee_list'] = 'Employee List',
    ['employee_count'] = 'You currently have %s employees',
    ['society_funds'] = 'Manage Funds',
    ['society_funds_desc'] = 'Total Funds:',
    ['currency'] = '$',
    ['deposit_funds'] = 'Deposit Funds',
    ['withdrawal_funds'] = 'Withdrawal Funds',
    ['amount'] = 'Amount:',
    ['job_position'] = 'Position:',
    ['job_salary'] = 'Salary:',
    ['edit_rank'] = 'Promote/Demote',
    ['edit_rank_desc'] = 'Position: %s | Salary: $%s',
    ['fire_employee'] = 'Terminate Employment',
    ['employee_list'] = 'Employees',
    ['current_position'] = '(Current)',
    ['hire_employee'] = 'Hire Employee',
    ['hire_employee_desc'] = 'Hire someone by ID',
    ['player_id'] = 'Player\'s ID:',
    ['give_bonus'] = 'Give Bonus',
    ['give_bonus_desc'] = 'Send an employee a bonus',
    ['open_boss_menu_3d'] = '[~b~E~w~] Access Boss Menu'


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Ursprünglicher Preis war: $40.99Aktueller Preis ist: $20.99.
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