
0R NPC Dialog

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(1 Kundenbewertung)

Ursprünglicher Preis war: $38.00Aktueller Preis ist: $28.00.


Das Modern NPC Dialog Script ermöglicht es den Spielern, dynamisch mit NPCs auf deinem FiveM-Server zu interagieren und so ein fesselndes Erlebnis zu schaffen. Inspiriert von NoPixel 4.0Mit diesem Skript kannst du aussagekräftige Unterhaltungen führen, die je nach den Antworten der Spieler zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen führen können. Passe die Positionen, Fragen und Antworten der NSCs an deine Storyline oder dein Serverthema an.


  • Ressourceneffizienz: Verbraucht nur 0,03 Resmon, wenn er aktiv ist, und 0,00, wenn er sich im Leerlauf befindet, wodurch die Serverleistung nur minimal beeinträchtigt wird.
  • Flexibilität: Er ist sowohl mit Ziel- als auch mit Interaktionstasten kompatibel und bietet den Spielerinnen und Spielern Flexibilität bei der Interaktion mit NSCs.
  • Anpassungen: Ändere ganz einfach die Platzierung der NSCs, Dialogoptionen und Antworten, um einzigartige Szenarien und Ziele zu erstellen, die auf die Bedürfnisse deines Servers zugeschnitten sind.

Verändere Spielerinteraktionen mit diesem vielseitigen und leichten Dialogsystem!

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Readme file

description: To hide menu use this export: exports["0r-npcdialog"]:closeMenu()

## Here is a empty npc dialog to help you creating new ones.

{ -- 1
    Ped = {
        Enable = true,
        coords = Vector4 Coords,
        hash = "Ped Hash" -- Check here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
    Blip = { -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
        Enable = false, -- to enable make it true
        coords = Vector3 Coords,
        sprite = Blip Sprite,
        color = Blip Color,
        scale = Blip Scale,
        text = "Blip Text"
    Menu = {
        Label = "Menu Label",
        Description = "Menu Description",
        Icon = "fas fa-hands-usd", -- Fınd an icon for your menu from this website https://fontawesome.com/v5/search | You can use Pro Icons too
    AutoMessage = { -- This is an automatic message system that sends automatic message when you open dialog menu.
        Enable = false, -- to enable make it true
        AutoMessages = {
            {type = "question", text = "Write your text here."}, -- message type question means it adds a question icon to message
            {type = "message",  text = "Write your text here."} -- this is a default message
    Buttons = {
        [1] = { -- Button 1 and answers
            label = "Button Label",
            systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "question", text = "You accepted heist you want to coordinate plan?"},
            playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Yes let's do it!"},
            maxClick = 2, -- Max click amount after the amount maximize it disables button
            onClick = function()
                -- Write your export or events here
                -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
        [2] = { -- Button 2 and answers
            label = "Button Label",
            systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "We need to synchronize our watches and stick to the plan."},
            playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Agreed. Everyone, make sure you know your roles and follow the timeline."},
            maxClick = 1, -- Max click amount after the amount maximize it disables button
            onClick = function()
                -- Write your export or events here
                -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
        [3] = { -- Button 3 and answers
            label = "Button Label",
            systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "It's time. Let's move in and secure the objective."},
            playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Roger that. Stay focused and don't engage unless absolutely necessary."},
            maxClick = 1, -- Max click amount after the amount maximize it disables button
            onClick = function()
                -- Write your export or events here
                -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
        [4] = { -- Button 4 and answers
            label = "Button Label",
            systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "The authorities are closing in. We need a clear path for extraction."},
            playerAnswer = {enable = false, text = "Understood. Head to the rendezvous point, and be ready to move fast."},
            maxClick = 1, -- Max click amount after the amount maximize it disables button
            onClick = function()
                -- Write your export or events here
                -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
        -- Don't write more than 5 buttons
    Interaction = {
        Target = {
            Enable = false, -- to enable make it true
            Distance = 2.0,
            Label = "Target Label",
            Icon = "fa-solid fa-address-book"
        Text = {
            Enable = true, -- to enable make it true
            Distance = 3.0,
            Label = "Text Label"
        DrawText = {
            Enable = false, -- to enable make it true
            Distance = 3.0,
            Show = function()
                exports["qb-core"]:DrawText("[Key Name] Text Label", "Menu Position - left, right")
            Hide = function()


Config = {
    MenuAlign = "right", -- left or right
    Dialogs = {
        { -- 1
            Ped = {
                Enable = true,
                coords = vector4(-1465.16, -34.56, 55.05, 310.67),
                hash = "a_m_y_hasjew_01", -- Check here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
                animDict = "amb@world_human_hang_out_street@female_arms_crossed@idle_a",
                animName = "idle_a"
            Blip = { -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
                Enable = false,
                coords = vector3(-1465.16, -34.56, 55.05),
                sprite = 59,
                color = 2,
                scale = 0.5,
                text = "Blip Text"
            Menu = {
                Label = "HEIST MISSION",
                Description = "SYSTEM",
                Icon = "fas fa-hands-usd", -- https://fontawesome.com/v5/search | You can use Pro Icons too
            AutoMessage = { -- This is an automatic message system that sends automatic message when you open dialog menu.
                Enable = true,
                AutoMessages = {
                    {type = "question", text = "Welcome, choose a mission."},
                    --{type = "message",  text = "This is an automatic message."}
            Buttons = {
                [1] = { -- Button 1 and answers
                    label = "Accept Heist",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "question", text = "You accepted heist you want to coordinate plan?"},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Yes let's do it!"},
                    maxClick = 2,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                        -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
                [2] = { -- Button 2 and answers
                    label = "Coordinate Plan",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "We need to synchronize our watches and stick to the plan."},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Agreed. Everyone, make sure you know your roles and follow the timeline."},
                    maxClick = 1,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                        -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
                [3] = { -- Button 3 and answers
                    label = "Execute Mission",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "It's time. Let's move in and secure the objective."},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Roger that. Stay focused and don't engage unless absolutely necessary."},
                    maxClick = 1,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                        -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
                [4] = { -- Button 4 and answers
                    label = "Escape Route",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "The authorities are closing in. We need a clear path for extraction."},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = false, text = "Understood. Head to the rendezvous point, and be ready to move fast."},
                    maxClick = 1,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                        -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
                -- Don't write more than 5 buttons
            Interaction = {
                Target = {
                    Enable = false,
                    Distance = 2.0,
                    Label = "Contact",
                    Icon = "fa-solid fa-address-book"
                Text = {
                    Enable = false,
                    Distance = 3.0,
                    Label = "[E] Contact"
                DrawText = {
                    Enable = true,
                    Distance = 3.0,
                    Show = function()
                        exports["qb-core"]:DrawText("Contact", "left")
                    Hide = function()
        { -- 2
            Ped = {
                Enable = true,
                coords = vector4(-266.53, -972.09, 31.22, 221.37),
                hash = "a_m_m_soucent_02", -- Check here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
                animDict = "amb@world_human_hang_out_street@female_arms_crossed@idle_a",
                animName = "idle_a"
            Blip = { -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
                Enable = false,
                coords = vector3(-266.53, -972.09, 31.22),
                sprite = 59,
                color = 2,
                scale = 0.5,
                text = "Blip Text"
            Menu = {
                Label = "GOVERNMENT",
                Description = "MENU",
                Icon = "fas fa-id-card-alt", -- https://fontawesome.com/v5/search | You can use Pro Icons too
            AutoMessage = { -- This is an automatic message system that sends automatic message when you open dialog menu.
                Enable = true,
                AutoMessages = {
                    {type = "question", text = "Welcome, choose what you want to do."},
                    --{type = "message",  text = "This is an automatic message."}
            Buttons = {
                [1] = { -- Button 1 and answers
                    label = "Renew ID Card",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "question", text = "You want to renew your identity card?"},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Yes I lost it, I need new one!"},
                    maxClick = 2,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                        -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
                [2] = { -- Button 2 and answers
                    label = "Renew Driver License",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "You want to renew your driver license?"},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = true, text ="Yes I lost it, I need new one!"},
                    maxClick = 1,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                        -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
                [3] = { -- Button 3 and answers
                    label = "Buy License",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = true, type = "message", text = "You want to buy a weapon license."},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = true, text = "Yes I need to protect myself."},
                    maxClick = 1,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                        -- exports[GetCurrentResourceName()]:closeMenu()
                [4] = { -- Button 4 and answers
                    label = "Leave Conversation",
                    systemAnswer = {enable = false, type = "message", text = "The authorities are closing in. We need a clear path for extraction."},
                    playerAnswer = {enable = false, text = "Understood. Head to the rendezvous point, and be ready to move fast."},
                    maxClick = 1,
                    onClick = function()
                        -- Write your export or events here
                -- Don't write more than 5 buttons
            Interaction = {
                Target = {
                    Enable = false,
                    Distance = 2.0,
                    Label = "Contact",
                    Icon = "fa-solid fa-address-book"
                Text = {
                    Enable = false,
                    Distance = 3.0,
                    Label = "[E] Contact"
                DrawText = {
                    Enable = true,
                    Distance = 3.0,
                    Show = function()
                        exports["qb-core"]:DrawText("Contact", "left")

                    Hide = function()


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NPC-Dialog-Skript0R NPC Dialog
Ursprünglicher Preis war: $38.00Aktueller Preis ist: $28.00.
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