


Ursprünglicher Preis war: $50.00Aktueller Preis ist: $25.00.


Osp Farming ist ein neues, hochentwickeltes und interaktives Skript für Ihren Server! Bietet Ihren Spielern eine neue und unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, in FiveM zu farmen!

Shop UI: Diese FiveM Skript verfügt über eine attraktive Benutzeroberfläche, wo Spieler verschiedene vom Skript bereitgestellte Eigenschaften erwerben können.

Nivellierungssystem: Es enthält auch ein vollständig integriertes Levelsystem. Spieler erhalten für jede Aktion im Farming XP Job. Die gesammelten XP können dann genutzt werden, um weitere Grundstücke im Landwirtschaftsgebiet zu kaufen. Shop.

Landwirtschaftliche Aktivitäten:

  • Appletree & Orangetree Farms: Ernte Früchte von zahlreichen Bäumen und lagere sie in einer Obstkiste.

  • Hühnerfarm: Fange Hühner, indem du auf sie springst!

  • Schweinefarm: Schlachte die Schweine auf die Art und Weise deiner Wahl.

  • Kuhfarm: Melke deine Kühe, um die perfekte Milch zu bekommen, oder schlachte sie für Fleisch, das du mit dem Verkaufslaster verkaufen kannst.

  • Pilzwald: Sammle große Pilze am Fuße des Mount Chilliad.

  • Weizenfeld: Nutze einen Traktor mit verschiedenen Anbaugeräten, wie einem Rechen und einer Heuballenpresse, um Weizen zu ernten. Lade die Heuballen zum Transport auf einen großen LKW.

  • Plantagenfeld: Baue eine Vielzahl von Pflanzen wie Kohl, Kürbis oder Tomaten an (weitere können hinzugefügt werden). Sieh zu, wie sie zu prächtigen Pflanzen heranwachsen. Der Fortschritt deiner Pflanzen kann über eine schöne Benutzeroberfläche überwacht werden. Bewässere und dünge sie mit visuell ansprechenden Animationen und Effekten.


  • Sprinkleranlage: Nachdem du eine große Anzahl von Samen gepflanzt hast, kann es mühsam werden, sie einzeln zu bewässern. Die Sprinkleranlage automatisiert diese Aufgabe. Fülle einfach einen Wassertank und schließe ihn an die Beregnungsanlage an, um alle deine Pflanzen gleichzeitig zu bewässern. Dieses Upgrade erfordert nur wenig Geld und Zeit.

  • Crop Duster: Pflanzen müssen regelmäßig gedüngt werden, aber es kann mühsam sein, jede einzelne Pflanze manuell zu düngen. Mit dem crop duster upgrade kannst du über deine Felder fliegen und Dünger freisetzen, um deine Pflanzen effizient zu ernähren.

Verkaufe Lkw & Händler: Die meisten Produkte werden automatisch in den Verkaufswagen geladen, wie z.B. Schweine- oder Kuhkadaver. Benutze den Verkaufswagen, um Waren zu einem der beiden Händlertypen zu transportieren. Diese Händler sind nur zu bestimmten Zeiten verfügbar (konfigurierbar), um die Arbeitszeiten in der realen Welt nachzuahmen.


  • ESX
  • PolyZone
  • ox_ziel
  • Fortschrittsanzeige

Hinweis: dieses Skript ist vollständig offene Quelle

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Config File

Config = {}
Config.Webhook = '' -- Webhook for the logs

Config.UseWhitelistJob = false

Config.Cooldown = 0 -- cooldown in hours

Config.LaptopCoords = vector4(2445.2, 4972.3, 46.8106, 232.5884)
Config.LaptopSprite = 521
-- Sell Truck
Config.SellTruckModel = 'benson'
Config.TakeOutSellTruckPedModel = 'cs_old_man2'
Config.TakeOutSellTruckCoords = vector4(2525.8901, 4976.6587, 43.9368, 106.1617)
Config.DeleteSellTruckCoords = vector4(2527.9167, 4970.8804, 44.5171, 278.7255)
Config.DeleteSelltruckKey = 47
Config.SellTruckSprite = 800
Config.GiveItemOnPickup = false

Config.SellTruckSpawn = vector4(2527.9167, 4970.8804, 44.5171, 277.7255)

Config.UseOxTarget = false

-- Propoffsets (Don't touch, if you don't know what you're doing)
Config.ChickenBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.3)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.6)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 0.9)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 1.2)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, 0.2, 1.5)},

Config.CowBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.3)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.6)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 0.9)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, 0.2, 1.2)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -0.4, 0.1)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -0.4, 0.4)},

Config.MilkBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(-1.0, -0.8, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -0.8, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.4, -0.8, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-1.0, -1.2, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.7, -1.2, 0.25)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.4, -1.2, 0.25)},

Config.PigBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.3, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.3, 0.55)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.3, 1.1)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.85, 0.0)},
    {offset = vector3(-0.8, -2.85, 0.55)},

Config.AppleBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.05)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.21)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.37)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.48)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -1.2, 0.59)},

Config.OrangeBoxOffset = {
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.05)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.21)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.37)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.48)},
    {offset = vector3(0.7, -2.2, 0.59)},

-- Selling
Config.MinTime = 5 -- Expressed in the hour of day (7 = 7am, 13 = 1pm)
Config.MaxTime = 17 -- Expressed in the hour of day (7 = 7am, 13 = 1pm)

Config.MerchantBlipColor = 2

-- Config.FruitMerchantCoords = vector4(2512.8772, 4952.7339, 43.6853, 100.0988)
Config.FruitMerchantCoords = vector4(1789.4849, 4592.0732, 36.6830, 190.5569)
Config.SellPedSprite = 52
Config.SellPedModel = 'cs_old_man2'

-- Config.MeatMerchantCoords = vector4(2512.8772, 4952.7339, 43.6853, 100.0988)
Config.MeatMerchantCoords = vector4(963.6677, -2107.1184, 30.4633, 100.2187)
Config.MeatSellPedSprite = 52
Config.MeatSellPedModel = 'csb_chef'

Config.ChickenSellPrice = 25
Config.CowSellPrice = 35
Config.PigSellPrice = 20
Config.MilkSellPrice = 15
Config.AppleSellPrice = 25
Config.OrangeSellPrice = 30

SellPlantPrice = {
    {item = 'tomato', price = 85},
    {item = 'cabbage', price = 75},
    {item = 'pumpkin', price = 70},
    {item = 'mushroom', price = 30},
    {item = 'wheat', price = 45},

Config.PlotRegenTime = 200 -- in minutes (this is the timer until the apples, oranges etc resets and you can interact with them again)

-- Fruit picking
Config.FruitBoxSprite = 478
Config.FruitsPerTree = 3

Config.OrangeTreeBlipCoord = vector3(2100.7073, 4855.8428, 41.2024)
Config.OrangeTreeBlipCoordSprite = 270
Config.FruitBoxDropKey = 52

Config.OrangeTree = {
    {coords = vector3(2083.5461, 4852.2129, 41.9267)},
    {coords = vector3(2097.9065, 4841.5806, 41.6721)},
    {coords = vector3(2118.0273, 4841.6055, 41.5652)},
    {coords = vector3(2122.2754, 4861.0273, 41.1088)},
    {coords = vector3(2145.9148, 4867.1484, 40.6898)},
    {coords = vector3(2123.4907, 4883.8271, 40.8859)},
    {coords = vector3(2102.2217, 4878.2090, 41.0646)},
    {coords = vector3(2060.6858, 4843.0156, 41.8497)},
    {coords = vector3(2064.1694, 4820.0112, 41.8303)},
    {coords = vector3(2086.6577, 4825.4263, 41.5900)},
    {coords = vector3(2316.3662, 5023.0181, 43.2977)},
    {coords = vector3(2329.8904, 5036.9355, 44.4203)},
    {coords = vector3(2341.3801, 5035.2676, 44.3373)},
    {coords = vector3(2330.5054, 5022.3564, 42.9704)},
    {coords = vector3(2316.8284, 5009.4658, 42.5537)},
    {coords = vector3(2304.7952, 4997.6152, 42.3384)},
    {coords = vector3(2330.7666, 5007.2842, 42.3450)},
    {coords = vector3(2343.1177, 5022.4561, 43.4962)},
    {coords = vector3(2356.6716, 5020.6250, 43.8605)},
    {coords = vector3(2344.8286, 5008.3691, 42.7652)},
    {coords = vector3(2331.9026, 4997.0117, 42.1458)},
    {coords = vector3(2317.9473, 4984.9653, 41.8093)},
    {coords = vector3(2335.8994, 4975.6362, 42.6122)},
    {coords = vector3(2349.0010, 4989.3730, 43.0395)},
    {coords = vector3(2360.5403, 5001.8145, 43.3952)},
    {coords = vector3(2369.8223, 5010.6938, 44.3452)},
    {coords = vector3(2376.0703, 5016.2876, 45.3667)},
    {coords = vector3(2378.0593, 5003.8711, 44.6562)},
    {coords = vector3(2362.0183, 4989.4292, 43.3561)},
    {coords = vector3(2349.4980, 4976.3252, 42.7850)},
    {coords = vector3(2362.0217, 4976.7930, 43.2530)},
    {coords = vector3(2373.6772, 4989.0000, 43.9875)},
    {coords = vector3(2389.1765, 5004.7515, 45.7094)},
    {coords = vector3(2390.3081, 4992.8550, 45.2204)}

Config.AppleTreeBlipCoord = vector3(2365.1353, 4734.7568, 33.5333)
Config.AppleTreeBlipCoordSprite = 76

Config.AppleTree = {
    {coords = vector3(2328.0435, 4771.2559, 36.0605)},
    {coords = vector3(2325.2114, 4761.5234, 36.0554)},
    {coords = vector3(2324.2571, 4747.7178, 36.0586)},
    {coords = vector3(2338.9819, 4741.4814, 35.1231)},
    {coords = vector3(2083.5461, 4852.2129, 41.9267)},
    {coords = vector3(2343.6653, 4755.1772, 34.7957)},
    {coords = vector3(2339.2083, 4766.7378, 35.1749)},
    {coords = vector3(2350.0676, 4734.3735, 34.8110)},
    {coords = vector3(2353.1648, 4760.4438, 34.3735)},
    {coords = vector3(2358.7092, 4724.0088, 34.5733)},
    {coords = vector3(2364.4055, 4729.5811, 34.2037)},
    {coords = vector3(2374.6145, 4734.6138, 33.7256)},
    {coords = vector3(2386.6438, 4736.6543, 33.2757)},
    {coords = vector3(2386.5947, 4724.8667, 33.6240)},
    {coords = vector3(2383.1599, 4713.6377, 33.6455)},
    {coords = vector3(2381.7883, 4701.1211, 33.9402)},
    {coords = vector3(2390.3542, 4691.4136, 33.8917)},
    {coords = vector3(2404.0225, 4703.7271, 33.3969)},
    {coords = vector3(2412.4866, 4707.0977, 33.0048)},
    {coords = vector3(2402.1277, 4688.5698, 33.6740)},
    {coords = vector3(2406.4783, 4676.9487, 33.9680)},
    {coords = vector3(2421.8218, 4686.9009, 33.6977)},
    {coords = vector3(2419.3696, 4673.7778, 33.8820)},
    {coords = vector3(2433.8579, 4678.5244, 33.3889)},
    {coords = vector3(2423.8062, 4659.2612, 33.4877)},
    {coords = vector3(2443.0730, 4671.9673, 33.3347)}

Config.BoxPickup = {
        coords = vector3(2130.1726, 4827.4360, 41.45),
        heading = 0.0
        coords = vector3(2349.7798, 4743.2808, 34.7076),
        heading = 0.0

-- Mushroom forest

Config.BasketPickup = {
        coords = vector3(2438.7488, 4982.8179, 46.67),
        heading = 0.0
Config.MushroomBasketSprite = 52

Config.MushroomSpot = vector3(1154.5820, 4584.5474, 74.6388)
Config.MushroomBlipSprite = 78
Config.MushroomItem = 'mushroom'
Config.MushromBasketDropKey = 52

-- Wheat farming
Config.WheatBlipSprite = 682
Config.WheatPed = vector4(2497.1975, 4974.1118, 43.4117, 240.1355)
Config.TractorModel = 'tractor2'
Config.TractorSpawn = vector4(2507.8076, 4956.2383, 44.6616, 324.1257)
Config.DeleteTractorCoords = vector3(2507.8076, 4956.2383, 44.6616)
Config.QueueResetTimer = 5000 -- Time in seconds before the queue automatically resets

Config.TruckModel = 'hauler'
Config.TruckSpawn = vector4(2399.5388, 4976.7075, 45.3523, 136.8794)

Config.TrailerModel = 'trflat'
Config.TrailerSpawn = vector4(2408.5701, 4986.2300, 46.1876, 134.1131)
Config.DeleteTruckAndTrailer = vector3(2408.5701, 4986.2300, 46.1876)
Config.DeleteVehicleKey = 47

Config.WheatDestoryedUntilHayCreated = 4
Config.WheatDestoryedUntilPileCreated = 2

Config.Plower = vector4(2489.2312, 4811.6992, 34.9102, 200.0)

Config.DetatchPlowerKey = 52

Config.BailerMachine = vector4(2474.8169, 4820.8535, 34.0, 261.0441)
Config.DetatchBailerKey = 52

Config.ReturnTruckPosition = vector3(2409.1018, 4985.4966, 46.1542)
Config.GiveItemOrMoney = false -- true to giveitem and false to give money
Config.PaymentPerHaybale = 75
Config.GiveHaybaleItem = 'wheat'

Config.BlipsSprite = 285
Config.WheatFarming = {
        coords = vector3(2582.1318, 4799.1855, 33.6477),
        width = 30,
        height = 52,
        jump = 3,
        model = 'prop_veg_crop_05',

---------------- Planting System

Config.OutOfFocusKey = 52  -- Q by default
Config.ClosePlantUIKey = 177 -- ESC/BACKSPACE by default
Config.GrowthUpdate = 360 -- Time it takes to update plant, in seconds
Config.PlantFallbackRate = 10 -- The multiplier(%) the plants will get if the plants are not well taken care of
Config.DecayTime = 48 -- in hours (the time before the plants will disapear)
Config.PlantationBlipSprite = 140
Config.PlantationBlipColor = 2

Config.Zones = {
		Coords = vector3(1954.7167, 4796.1392, 43.5442),
		Plant = {'pumpkin_seed', 'cabbage_seed'}, -- Types of plants that will be affected in this zone
        Distance = 30.0, -- The area of effect
        Multiplier = 100, -- The growthrate inside the zone
		Coords = vector3(1918.5490, 4766.2651, 42.8743),
		Plant = {'tomato_seed'}, -- Types of plants that will be affected in this zone
        Distance = 30.0, -- The area of effect
        Multiplier =  50, -- The growthrate inside the zone

Config.Plants = { -- Create seeds for drugs
    [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"]['cabbage_seed'] = {
        Title = 'Cabbage', -- Main name header of the ui
        Image = 'cabbage.png', -- Image of the plant
        Color = '125, 224, 18', -- In RBG sequence
        PlantStages = {
            first = {"prop_veg_crop_03_cab", -1.2},
            second = {"prop_veg_crop_03_cab", -1.13},
            third = {"prop_veg_crop_03_cab", -1.08}
        Product = 'cabbage', -- Item the plant is going to give
        SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting the seed
    ['tomato_seed'] = {
        Title = 'Tomato', -- Main name header of the ui
        Image = 'tomato.png', -- Image of the plant
        Color = '255, 0, 0', -- In RBG sequence
        PlantStages = {
            first = {"prop_veg_crop_04_leaf", -1.25},
            second = {"prop_veg_crop_02", -1.3},
            third = {"prop_veg_crop_01", -1.65}
        Product = 'tomato', -- Item the plant is going to give
        SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting the seed
    ['pumpkin_seed'] = {
        Title = 'Pumpkin', -- Main name header of the ui
        Image = 'pumpkin.png', -- Image of the plant
        Color = '216, 182, 31', -- In RBG sequences
        PlantStages = {
            first = {"prop_veg_crop_03_pump", -1.2},
            second = {"prop_veg_crop_03_pump", -1.13},
            third = {"prop_veg_crop_03_pump", -1.08}
        Product = 'pumpkin', -- Item the plant is going to give
        SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting the seed

Config.PlantWater = {
        name = 'water_bottle', -- Item 
        procent = 10 -- The procentage gain when used

Config.PlantFood = {
        name = 'fertilizer', -- Item 
        procent = 15 -- The procentage gain when used

-------------- Duster plane

Config.DusterPed = vector4(2137.8948, 4797.0806, 40.1307, 19.9516)
Config.BlipsSpritePlane = 423
Config.DusterPlaneSpawn = vector4(2130.0530, 4808.4312, 41.5390, 114.8225)
Config.PlaneModel = 'duster'

Config.SmokeParticle = 'veh_exhaust_tug' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing
Config.SmokeParticleCollection = 'core' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing

Config.FertilizerKey = 38 -- The button held to fertilize with a duster plane
Config.DusterFertilizerPercent = 2 -- The procent added the plants when flying over with a duster, each second. 

--------------------- Sprinkler System

Config.SprinklerMissionCost = 200
Config.SprinklerMissionPedCoords = vector4(1862.9457, 4756.8711, 38.0596, 285.7766)

Config.SprinklerParticle = 'ent_amb_sprinkler_golf' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing
Config.SprinklerParticleCollection = 'core' -- Smoke particles. Don't touch if you don't know what you are doing

Config.SprinklerWaterPercent = 4 -- Percent of water added to the crops every 5 seconds

Config.SprinklerKey = 38 -- Key to turn on/off sprinklers
Config.SprinklerTap = vector3(1869.80, 4764.4, 40.8)
Config.WaterAmount = 1.5  -- Time it takes to remove one percent from a water tank, in seconds. (recommended to keep this low)

Config.SprinklerZones = {
        coords = vector3(1958.2434, 4796.5186, 43.4137),
        radius = 100.0,

Config.Sprinkler = {
    {coords = vector4(1957.6975, 4793.0957, 43.4871, 0.3127)},
    {coords = vector4(1951.1198, 4799.4526, 43.7209, 305.6415)},
    {coords = vector4(1943.9862, 4792.6484, 43.8769, 342.4697)},
    {coords = vector4(1958.8672, 4807.2622, 43.7312, 273.0265)},
    {coords = vector4(1975.7673, 4797.0278, 42.8512, 98.2398)},
    {coords = vector4(1963.9642, 4812.1055, 43.6583, 108.7462)},
    {coords = vector4(1947.7684, 4783.2031, 43.4333, 117.3367)},
    {coords = vector4(1941.7429, 4804.2227, 44.0410, 352.6821)},
    {coords = vector4(1952.1340, 4814.2104, 43.9739, 280.9480)},
    {coords = vector4(1954.9241, 4776.8193, 43.0019, 122.6492)},

    {coords = vector4(1921.0459, 4786.7329, 43.6341, 295.1524)},
    {coords = vector4(1914.1855, 4780.5313, 43.5516, 263.9591)},
    {coords = vector4(1907.1383, 4774.6187, 43.3814, 258.2081)},
    {coords = vector4(1900.6503, 4769.0356, 43.1415, 285.9190)},
    {coords = vector4(1954.9241, 4776.8193, 43.0019, 280.6492)},

    {coords = vector4(1926.4965, 4780.7241, 43.2958, 110.6730)},
    {coords = vector4(1919.7334, 4774.6265, 43.2409, 146.0393)},
    {coords = vector4(1912.9592, 4768.6636, 43.1607, 124.6868)},

-- Cow Farming
Config.BucketPosition = vector3(2529.2451, 4985.0039, 43.8177)
Config.BucketSprite = 106

Config.CowBlipCoord = vector3(2180.0042, 4969.1138, 41.3350)
Config.CowBlipCoordSprite = 237
Config.CowSpawns = {
    {coords = vector4(2180.0042, 4969.1138, 41.3350, 81.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2171.4648, 4966.6680, 41.3585, 100.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2168.7805, 4956.0381, 41.3921, 200.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2179.3315, 4954.8296, 41.3976, 270.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2170.5266, 4979.5410, 41.3392, 140.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2176.7180, 4985.7119, 41.3186, 41.0)},
    {coords = vector4(2181.1411, 4974.3359, 41.3617, 298.9)},
    {coords = vector4(2176.8765, 4974.6162, 41.4029, 112.0)},
Config.CowWander = false

-- Pig Farming

Config.PigBlipCoord = vector3(2373.5452, 5054.3926, 46.4446)
Config.PigBlipCoordSprite = 237

Config.PigSpawns = {
    {coords = vector4(2377.4158, 5049.6787, 46.4446, 319.5156)},
    {coords = vector4(2377.2473, 5055.5977, 46.4447, 27.4158)},
    {coords = vector4(2373.0847, 5052.7290, 46.4446, 147.9144)},
    {coords = vector4(2377.8630, 5049.2437, 46.4446, 262.5440)},
    {coords = vector4(2380.8552, 5057.8828, 46.4446, 28.3530)},
    {coords = vector4(2382.0322, 5054.3013, 46.4446, 214.6392)},
    {coords = vector4(2382.4585, 5048.7676, 46.4311, 229.4013)},
    {coords = vector4(2378.7344, 5045.9956, 46.4405, 120.3328)},
Config.PigWander = true

Config.ChickenBlipCoord = vector3(2300.8569, 4943.7490, 41.4126)
Config.ChickenBlipCoordSprite = 237
Config.ChickenKeyCooldown = 3000 -- in ms

Config.ChickenSpawns = {
    {coords = vector4(2299.7083, 4942.1216, 41.4239, 198.8404)},
    {coords = vector4(2304.2993, 4942.6157, 41.3787, 263.2820)},
    {coords = vector4(2301.9905, 4940.2432, 41.4175, 110.8972)},
    {coords = vector4(2303.8037, 4942.1626, 41.3690, 308.2788)},
    {coords = vector4(2308.4141, 4936.0845, 41.4150, 62.3557)},
    {coords = vector4(2307.6973, 4934.3286, 41.4150, 175.2880)},
    {coords = vector4(2308.5029, 4934.2661, 41.4150, 303.8631)},
    {coords = vector4(2310.0225, 4933.4600, 41.4115, 226.1542)},

-- Player Order System

Config.FruitStandPos = vector4(2567.4797, 5085.0010, 43.5, 200.6681)
Config.FruitStandProp = 'prop_fruitstand_b'

-- XP System
Config.XPMultiplier = 50.0 -- The amount of xp gained when doing tasks

Config.IterateTime = 100 -- This should never be below 90 and not recommended to be above 200.
Config.ServerWaitTime = 100 -- In miliseconds (time it takes to open the ui, recommended to keep this above 60 depending on how many resources your server has.)

-------- Shop ui

Config.Shop = {
        description = 'Grapeseed Orangetree Farm',
        info = 'A newly grown orangetree farm just beside Grapeseed Airport',
        price = 900,
        type = 'orangetree',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024485625568710706/unknown.png',
        level = 0.0
        description = 'Grapeseed Appletree Farm',
        info = 'A newly grown appletree farm just beside Grapeseed Airport',
        price = 990,
        type = 'appletree',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024447970168549406/unknown.png',
        level = 1.0
        description = 'Chicken Pen',
        info = 'A classic, small chicken pen to keep your chickens',
        price = 1500,
        type = 'chicken',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024732500557303828/unknown.png',
        level = 1.0
        description = 'Cow Field',
        info = 'A large and comfortable cow farm, a place to get some milk and beef!',
        price = 2500,
        type = 'cow',    -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024732100345208892/unknown.png',
        level = 1.5
        description = 'Pig Pen',
        info = 'A dirty enclosure just beside the farmhouse in Grapeseed. Go slay some pigs och get some bacon!',
        price = 2500,
        type = 'pig',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024732749648642128/unknown.png',
        level = 1.5
        description = 'Mushroom Forest',
        info = 'A really good mushroom spot in the northern forests of Los Santos',
        price = 3500,
        type = 'mushroom',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1045879581296558140/image.png',
        level = 2.0
        description = 'Wheat Field',
        info = 'A dense wheat field in Grapeseed',
        price = 8000,
        type = 'wheat',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1045901889004388454/image.png',
        level = 2.0
        description = 'Plantation Field',
        info = 'A really lucrative and efficient plantation field for multiple kinds of vegetables',
        price = 8000,
        type = 'plantation',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024733000753229834/unknown.png',
        level = 2.5
        description = 'Duster Plane Upgrade',
        info = 'A highly efficient and precise way to fertilize your valuable crops',
        price = 9000,
        type = 'duster',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024735883804561438/unknown.png',
        level = 3.5
        description = 'Sprinkler Upgrade',
        info = 'A highly efficient way to water your crops',
        price = 9000,
        type = 'sprinkler',     -- DONT TOUCH
        img = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926920006065877042/1024733326549987378/unknown.png',
        level = 4.0

Strings = { -- Translation
    ["SellTruckTip"] = "You can now make your way to the various merchants marked with blips on the map",
    ["SellTruckTip2"] = "If you cannot see the blips you are most likely working on non work hours.",
    ["SellTruckTip3"] = "Grab the products from within the truck to interact with the merchants.",
    ["AfterFruitPickupTip"] = "You can now make your way to the selltruck if you wish to sell your goods at their current state, or you could keep on farming.",
	["CannotSell"] = "You cannot sell this item at this merchant!",
	["Waypoint"] = "Follow your waypoint",
    ["ReturnTrailer"] = "When you feel like you are done, you can return the truck and trailer at the designated blip",
    ["ReturnTractor"] = "When you feel like you are done, you can return the tractor at the designated waypoint",
    ["ChickenTip"] = "The chicken pen can be seen on your map, try to catch them. You can later sell them at the selltruck",
    ["PigTip"] = "The pigs are now marked on your minimap. Kill them and collect their bodies. You can later sell them using the selltruck",
    ["MushroomTip"] = "The mushroom basket is now marked on the map. Use the basket to collect mushrooms in the mushrooms forest marked on your map!",
	["NotEnoughMoney"] = "You do not have enough money to start this mission",
	["Refilling"] = "Refilling sprinkler system",
    ["Refilling2"] = '%s percent Refilled',
    ["EmptyWatercrate"] = "The watercrate is empty, you can now turn on the sprinkler system",
    ["RefillingCrate"] = "Refilling water crate",
    ["ReturnBack"] = 'Return back to the sprinkler system',
    ["GetStuff"] = 'You need to get your hands on some seed, fertilizer and water to be able',
    ["PlantStuff"] = "To be able to plant anything on the plantation fields",
    ["UiToolTip"] = "Use eye-target to interact with your plants! Then press Q to enable mouse on the UI",
    ["GetXp"] = "You gained %s XP",
    ["DeleteVehicle"] = "[G] Delete Vehicle",
    ["CowAdded"] = "The cow body has been added to the truck",
    ["PigAdded"] = "The pig body has been added to the truck",
    ["MilkAdded"] = "The milk have been added to the truck",
    ["MushroomTip"] = "Now you can go to the mushroom forest and pick your mushrooms! When you are done you can press Q to drop your basket.",
    ["TreeTip"] = "Now you can go up and interact with the fruit trees! When you are finished picking your fruit, press Q to drop the box and pickup it contents",
    ["ApplesAdded"] = "The apples have been added to the truck!",
    ["OrangesAdded"] = "The oranges have been added to the truck!",
    ["TractorTip"] = "Hop into the tractor and make your way down to the wheat fields",
    ["TractorTip2"] = "Attach the plower to the tractor first, you can then detach the plower by pressing Q",
    ["TractorTip3"] = "Attach the bailer by pressing E, when the tractor is near it.",
    ["CannotFitHay"] = "You cannot fit more haybales on the truck",
    ["CannotPlant"] = "You cannot plant here",
    ["NotProperZone"] = "You are not in the proper plantation zone",
    ["NotAuthorized"] = "You are not authorized to plant!",
    ["NoFertilizer"] = 'You do not have any fertilizer',
    ["NoWater"] = 'You have no water!',
    ["PlantNotReady"] = 'The plant is not ready to be harvested',
    ["NoWaterLeft"] = 'There is no water left',
    ["Sold"] = 'You sold %s %s',
    ["HaySold"] = 'You have sold %s haybayles',
    ["FruitMerchant"] = 'Fruit Merchant',
    ["DeleteBlip"] = 'Truck return location',
	["MeatMerarchant"] = 'Meat Merchant',
    ["OrangeTree"] = 'Orangetree Farm',
    ["PickOranges"] = '[E] Pick Oranges',
    ["AppleTree"] = 'Appletree Farm',
    ["PickApples"] = '[E] Pick Apples',
    ["CowFarm"] = 'Cow Farm',
    ["ChickenPen"] = 'Chicken Pen',
    ["PigFarm"] = 'Pig Farm',
    ["MushroomForest"] = 'Mushroom Forest',
    ["MushroomBasket"] = 'Mushroom Basket',
    ["PickBasket"] = '[E] Pickup Basket',
    ["PlantationField"] = 'Plantation Field',
    ["DusterPlane"] = 'Duster Plane',
    ["SpawnDusterPlane"] = 'Spawn Duster Plane',
    ["StartMission"] = 'Start Mission',
    ["FruitBox"] = 'FruitBox',
    ["PickBox"] = '[E] Pickup Box',
    ["DeleteSelltruck"] = '[G] Delete Selltruck',
    ["Selltruck"] = 'Selltruck',
    ["SpawnSelltruck"] = 'Spawn Sell Truck',
    ["MilkCow"] = 'Milk Cow',
    ["WheatStart"] = 'Start Working',
    ["PickMushroom"] = '[E] Pick Mushroom',
    ["PickupBody"] = 'Pickup Body',
    ["Catch"] = '[E] To Catch',
    ["FarmingField"] = 'Farming Field',
    ["Milking"] = 'Milking Cow',
    ["HayTrailer"] = 'Haybale Trailer',
    ["PickingMushroom"] = 'Picking Mushroom',
    ["MushroomPicked"] = 'You picked an mushroom',
    ["PickingOrange"] = 'Picking Orange',
    ["OrangePicked"] = 'You picked an orange',
    ["NoOrangesLeft"] = 'There are no more oranges left',
    ["PickingApple"] = 'Picking Apple',
    ["ApplePicked"] = 'You picked an apple',
    ["NoApplesLeft"] = 'There are no more apples left',
    ["NoOrangesApples"] = 'There are no oranges or apples in the box',
    ["PickupHay"] = 'Pickup Haybale',
    ["SellHay"] = '[E] Sell Haybales',
    ["AreaNotClear"] = 'The spawn area it not clear!',
    ["NotWhitelist"] = 'You are not working as the required job',
    ["Shop"] = 'Open Farming Shop',
    ["SomeoneElseUseing"] = 'Someone else is currently wheat harvesting, wait for your turn!',
    ["StandBlip"] = 'Farming Order Stand',
    ["SomeoneElseUseing"] = 'Someone else is currently wheat harvesting, wait for your turn!',
    ["PlaceOrder"] = 'Place an Order', 
    ["Cooldown"] = 'Farming cooldown Active, timeleft: %s hours',   
    ["PlantUI"] = 'Check plant status',   
    ["Laptop"] = 'Farming Laptop',  
    ["PressTrailer"] = '[E] load up haybale',
    ["WheatBlip"] = 'Start Wheat Farming',
    ["DontOwnPlant"] = 'You are not the owner of this plant!',
    ["TurnOnSprinkler"] = '[E] Turn on Sprinkler',
    ["TurnOffSprinkler"] = '[E] Turn off Sprinkler',
    ["WaterLeft"] = 'Water left: ~r~',
    ["WaterLeft2"] = '~s~/100%',
    ["MeatMerchant"] = 'Meat Merchant',
    ["Sell"] = 'Sell',
    ["PickupChicken"] = 'Pickup Chickenmeat',
    ["PickupCow"] = 'Pickup Cowmeat',
    ["PickupMilk"] = 'Pickup Milk',
    ["PickupPig"] = 'Pickup Pigmeat',
    ["PickupApple"] = 'Pickup Applebox',
    ["PickupOrange"] = 'Pickup Orangebox',


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