
(ESX/QB) Job für Fortgeschrittene bei der Polizei

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Ursprünglicher Preis war: $82.99Aktueller Preis ist: $45.99.


  • Optimiert mit 0.00ms Leerlauf
  • Mehrere LEO-Abteilungen (keine Notwendigkeit für separate Skripte für separate Polizeiaufträge)
  • Vollständige Handschellen-Requisiten und Animationen
  • Begleitende Animation
  • Keybinds für Festnahme (konfigurierbar)
  • Widerstand gegen die Festnahme mittels Skill-Check
  • Kompatibel mit ox_inventory, qb-inventory, qs-inventory und mf_inventory (Code offen, um ein anderes Inventar einzubinden)
  • Tackling (konfigurierbar)
  • Job Menü (konfigurierbar)
  • Feine Spieler(Kompatibel mit QBCore, okokBilling und esx billing ODER jede Abrechnung kann zu open code hinzugefügt werden)
  • Chef-Menü (Kompatibel mit wasabi_multijob, qb-management und esx_society)
  • Cloakroom(Kompatibel mit esx_skin und meinem Fork von fivem-appearance ODER jedes Skin-Skript kann zu offenem Code hinzugefügt werden)
  • Optionales Ziel (standardmäßig kompatibel mit qtarget/qb-target/ox_target)
  • Waffenkammer (konfigurierbar je nach Dienstgrad)
  • Garage für Land und Luft (konfigurierbar je nach Auftragsstufe)
  • Das Menü "Fahrzeuginteraktion" wurde dem Auftragsmenü hinzugefügt und enthält Informationen zum Fahrzeugbesitz, zum Aufsperren des Fahrzeugs und zur Beschlagnahme des Fahrzeugs. (Neu ab 1.0.5)
  • Fähigkeit zur Einbindung von Jail-Skripten (siehe Dokumente)
  • Möglichkeit, die Identifizierung des Verdächtigen einzusehen
  • Möglichkeit, Lizenzen einzusehen und zu widerrufen
  • Die meisten, wenn nicht sogar alle der bereits vorhandenen Funktionen von esx_policejob
  • AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH konfigurierbar
  • Vollständiger Ersatz für jedes Skript, das von esx_policejob abhängt
  • Und mehr!

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local seconds, minutes = 1000, 60000
Config = {}

Config.jobMenu = 'F6' -- Default job menu key

Config.customCarlock = false -- If you use wasabi_carlock(Add your own carlock system in client/cl_customize.lua)
Config.billingSystem = false -- Current options: 'esx' (For esx_billing) / 'okok' (For okokBilling) (Easy to add more/fully customize in client/cl_customize.lua)
Config.skinScript = false -- Current options: 'esx' (For esx_skin) / 'appearance' (For wasabi-fivem-appearance) (Custom can be added in client/cl_customize.lua)
Config.customJail = false -- Set to true if you want to add jail option to menu(Requires you to edit wasabi_police:sendToJail event in client/cl_customize.lua)

Config.inventory = 'ox' -- NEEDED FOR SEARCHING PLAYERS - Current options: 'ox' (For ox_inventory) / 'mf' (For mf inventory) / 'qs' (For qs_inventory) / 'custom' (Custom can be added in client/cl_customize.lua)
Config.searchPlayers = true -- Allow police jobs to search players (Must set correct inventory above)

Config.weaponsAsItems = false -- This is typically for older ESX and inventories that still use weapons as weapons and not items(If you're unsure leave as true!)
Config.esxIdentity = true -- Enable to gain option additional information when checking ID of suspect. (Requires esx_identity or similar)
Config.esxLicense = true -- Enable if you use esx_license or something similar for weapon licenses/etc

Config.tackle = {
    enabled = true, -- Enable tackle?
    policeOnly = true, -- Police jobs only use tackle?
    hotkey = 'G' -- What key to press while sprinting to start tackle of target

Config.handcuff = { -- Config in regards to cuffing
    timer = 20 * minutes, -- Time before player is automatically unrestrained(Set to false if not desired)
    hotkey = 'J', -- What key to press to handcuff people(Set to false for no hotkey)
    skilledEscape = {
        enabled = true, -- Allow criminal to simulate resisting by giving them a chance to break free from cuffs via skill check
        difficulty = {'easy', 'easy', 'easy'} -- Options: 'easy' / 'medium' / 'hard' (Can be stringed along as they are in config)

Config.policeJobs = { -- Police jobs

Config.Locations = {
    LSPD = {
        blip = {
            enabled = true,
            coords = vec3(464.57, -992.0, 30.69),
            sprite = 60,
            color = 29,
            scale = 1.0,
            string = 'Mission Row PD'

        bossMenu = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable boss menu?
            jobLock = 'police', -- Lock to specific police job? Set to false if not desired
            coords = vec3(460.64, -985.64, 30.73), -- Location of boss menu (If not using target)
            label = '[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][E] - Access Boss Menu', -- Text UI label string (If not using target)
            distance = 3.0, -- Distance to allow access/prompt with text UI (If not using target)
            target = {
                enabled = false, -- If enabled, the location and distance above will be obsolete
                label = 'Access Boss Menu',
                coords = vec3(460.64, -985.64, 30.73),
                heading = 269.85,
                width = 2.0,
                length = 1.0,
                minZ = 30.73-0.9,
                maxZ = 30.73+0.9

        armoury = {
            enabled = true, -- Set to false if you don't want to use
            coords = vec3(480.32, -996.67, 30.69-0.9), -- Coords of armoury
            heading = 86.95, -- Heading of armoury NPC
            ped = 's_f_y_cop_01',
            label = '[E] - Access Armoury', -- String of text ui
            jobLock = 'police', -- Allow only one of Config.policeJob listings / Set to false if allow all Config.policeJobs
            weapons = {
                [0] = { -- Grade number will be the name of each table(this would be grade 0)
                    ['WEAPON_PISTOL'] = { label = 'Pistol', multiple = false, price = 75 }, -- Set price to false if undesired
                    ['WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK'] = { label = 'Night Stick', multiple = false, price = 50 },
--                    ['ammo-9'] = { label = '9mm Ammo', multiple = true, price = 10 }, -- Set multiple to true if you want ability to purchase more than one at a time
--                    ['armour'] = { label = 'Bulletproof Vest', multiple = false, price = 100 }, -- Example

                [1] = { -- This would be grade 1
                    ['WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL'] = { label = 'Combat Pistol', multiple = false, price = 150 },
                    ['WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK'] = { label = 'Night Stick', multiple = false, price = 50 },
--                    ['ammo-9'] = { label = '9mm Ammo', multiple = true, price = 10 }, -- Example
--                    ['armour'] = { label = 'Bulletproof Vest', multiple = false, price = 100 }, -- Example
                [2] = { -- This would be grade 2
                    ['WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL'] = { label = 'Combat Pistol', multiple = false, price = 150 },
                    ['WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK'] = { label = 'Night Stick', multiple = false, price = 50 },
                    ['WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE'] = { label = 'Assault Rifle', multiple = false, price = 1100 },
--                    ['ammo-9'] = { label = '9mm Ammo', multiple = true, price = 10 }, -- Example
--                    ['ammo-rifle'] = { label = '5.56 Ammo', multiple = true, price = 20 }, -- Example
--                    ['armour'] = { label = 'Bulletproof Vest', multiple = false, price = 100 }, -- Example
                [3] = { -- This would be grade 3
                    ['WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL'] = { label = 'Combat Pistol', multiple = false, price = 150 },
                    ['WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK'] = { label = 'Night Stick', multiple = false, price = 50 },
                    ['WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE'] = { label = 'Assault Rifle', multiple = false, price = 1100 },
              --    ['ammo-9'] = { label = '9mm Ammo', multiple = true, price = 10 }, -- Example
              --    ['ammo-rifle'] = { label = '5.56 Ammo', multiple = true, price = 20 }, -- Example
              --    ['armour'] = { label = 'Bulletproof Vest', multiple = false, price = 100 }, -- Example

        cloakroom = {
            enabled = true, -- Set to false if you don't want to use (Compatible with esx_skin & wasabi fivem-appearance fork)
            coords = vec3(462.36, -999.62, 30.69), -- Coords of cloakroom
            label = '[E] - Change Clothes', -- String of text ui of cloakroom
            range = 2.0, -- Range away from coords you can use.
            uniforms = { -- Uniform choices

                ['Recruit'] = { -- Name of outfit that will display in menu
                    male = { -- Male variation
                        ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
                        ['torso_1'] = 5,   ['torso_2'] = 2,
                        ['arms'] = 5,
                        ['pants_1'] = 6,   ['pants_2'] = 1,
                        ['shoes_1'] = 16,   ['shoes_2'] = 7,
                        ['helmet_1'] = 44,  ['helmet_2'] = 7,
                    female = { -- Female variation
                        ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
                        ['torso_1'] = 4,   ['torso_2'] = 14,
                        ['arms'] = 4,
                        ['pants_1'] = 25,   ['pants_2'] = 1,
                        ['shoes_1'] = 16,   ['shoes_2'] = 4,

                ['Patrol'] = {
                    male = {
                        ['tshirt_1'] = 58,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
                        ['torso_1'] = 55,   ['torso_2'] = 0,
                        ['arms'] = 30,
                        ['pants_1'] = 24,   ['pants_2'] = 0,
                        ['shoes_1'] = 10,   ['shoes_2'] = 0,
                        ['helmet_1'] = 46,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
                    female = {
                        ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
                        ['torso_1'] = 4,   ['torso_2'] = 14,
                        ['arms'] = 4,
                        ['pants_1'] = 25,   ['pants_2'] = 1,
                        ['shoes_1'] = 16,   ['shoes_2'] = 4,

                ['Chief'] = {
                    male = {
                        ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
                        ['torso_1'] = 5,   ['torso_2'] = 2,
                        ['arms'] = 5,
                        ['pants_1'] = 6,   ['pants_2'] = 1,
                        ['shoes_1'] = 16,   ['shoes_2'] = 7,
                        ['helmet_1'] = 44,  ['helmet_2'] = 7,
                    female = {
                        ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
                        ['torso_1'] = 4,   ['torso_2'] = 14,
                        ['arms'] = 4,
                        ['pants_1'] = 25,   ['pants_2'] = 1,
                        ['shoes_1'] = 16,   ['shoes_2'] = 4,


        vehicles = { -- Vehicle Garage
            enabled = true, -- Enable? False if you have you're own way for medics to obtain vehicles.
            jobLock = 'police', -- Job lock? or access to all police jobs by using false
            zone = {
                coords = vec3(463.69, -1019.72, 28.1), -- Area to prompt vehicle garage
                range = 5.5, -- Range it will prompt from coords above
                label = '[E] - Access Garage',
                return_label = '[E] - Return Vehicle'
            spawn = {
                land = {
                    coords = vec3(449.37, -1025.46, 28.59), -- Coords of where land vehicle spawn/return
                    heading = 3.68
                air = {
                    coords = vec3(449.29, -981.76, 43.69), -- Coords of where air vehicles spawn/return
                    heading =  0.01
            options = {

                [0] = { -- Job grade as table name
                    ['police'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['police2'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser #2',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['polmav'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Maverick',
                        category = 'air', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'

                [1] = { -- Job grade as table name
                    ['police'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['police2'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser #2',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['polmav'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Maverick',
                        category = 'air', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'

                [2] = { -- Job grade as table name
                    ['police'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['police2'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser #2',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['polmav'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Maverick',
                        category = 'air', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'

                [3] = { -- Job grade as table name
                    ['police'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['police2'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Police Cruiser #2',
                        category = 'land', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'
                    ['polmav'] = { -- Car/Helicopter/Vehicle Spawn Code/Model Name
                        label = 'Maverick',
                        category = 'air', -- Options are 'land' and 'air'





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(ESX/QB) Advanced Police Job (ESX/QB) Advanced Police Job
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(ESX/QB) Job für Fortgeschrittene bei der Polizei
Ursprünglicher Preis war: $82.99Aktueller Preis ist: $45.99.
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